import logging from pyramid_mailer import get_mailer from pyramid_mailer.message import Message from pyramid.renderers import render from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory _ = TranslationStringFactory('OpenWorkouts') log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def idna_encode_recipients(message): """ Given a pyramid_mailer.message.Message instance, check if the recipient(s) domain name(s) contain non-ascii characters and, if so, encode the domain name part of the address(es) properly >>> from pyramid_mailer.message import Message >>> message = Message(subject='s', recipients=[''], body='b') >>> assert message.recipients == [''] >>> message = idna_encode_recipients(message) >>> assert message.recipients == [''] >>> message.recipients.append(u'a@\') >>> assert message.recipients == ['', u'a@\'] >>> message = idna_encode_recipients(message) >>> message.recipients ['', ''] """ recipients = [] for rcpt in message.recipients: username, domain = rcpt.split('@') recipients.append( '@'.join([username, domain.encode('idna').decode('utf-8')])) message.recipients = recipients return message def send_verification_email(request, user): subject = _('Welcome to OpenWorkouts') txt_template = 'ow:templates/' html_template = 'ow:templates/' verify_link = request.resource_url(user, 'verify', user.verification_token) context = {'user': user, 'verify_link': verify_link} mailer = get_mailer(request) txt_body = render(txt_template, context, request) html_body = render(html_template, context, request) message = Message( subject=subject, recipients=[], body=txt_body, html=html_body ) message = idna_encode_recipients(message) mailer.send_to_queue(message)