import os import logging from shutil import unpack_archive, rmtree from uuid import uuid1 from datetime import datetime, timezone import pytz from repoze.folder import Folder from import Allow, Deny, Everyone, ALL_PERMISSIONS from fitparse.utils import FitHeaderError, FitEOFError from gpxpy.gpx import GPXXMLSyntaxException from ow.utilities import create_blob from ow.models.workout import Workout log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BulkFile(Folder): """ Object that maps to a compressed file uploaded by a user to upload several workout tracking files at once. """ __parent__ = __name__ = None def __acl__(self): """ Owner of the compressed file has full permissions to the file, as well as system admins. Everybody else has no permissions. """ permissions = [ (Allow, str(self.uid), 'view'), (Allow, str(self.uid), 'edit'), (Allow, str(self.uid), 'delete'), (Deny, Everyone, ALL_PERMISSIONS) ] return permissions def __init__(self, **kw): super(BulkFile, self).__init__() self.bfid = uuid1() self.uid = kw['uid'] # required, so let it blow if none is given self.uploaded = kw.get('uploaded', self.compressed_file = kw.get('compressed_file', None) # Blob self.file_name = '' # unicode string self.file_type = '' # unicode string self.loaded = False # datetime when workouts have been loaded self.workout_ids = [] # ids of the workouts loaded from this file self.loaded_info = {} # per-file information (loaded or not, errors..) def _in_timezone(self, timezone, value): """ Return a string representation of the given value date and time, localized into the given timezone """ _value = value.astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone)) return _value.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M (%Z)') def uploaded_in_timezone(self, timezone): return self._in_timezone(timezone, self.uploaded) def loaded_in_timezone(self, timezone): if self.loaded: return self._in_timezone(timezone, self.loaded) return '' def extract(self, tmp_path, path): """ Extract the files contained in this bulk/compressed file into the given path. """ if self.compressed_file is None: return [] # save the blob into a temporal file tmp_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, self.file_name) with open(tmp_file_path, 'wb') as tmp_file: with as blob: tmp_file.write( # extract unpack_archive(tmp_file_path, path) # remove temporary file os.remove(tmp_file_path) # analyze the extracted contents, return some data extracted = [] if os.path.exists(path): for extracted_file in os.listdir(path): extracted.append(os.path.join(path, extracted_file)) return extracted def load(self, root, tmp_path): user = root.get_user_by_uid(self.uid) # extract tmp_extract_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, str(self.bfid)) + ' extracting to ' + tmp_extract_path) extracted = self.extract(tmp_path, tmp_extract_path) + ' ' + str(len(extracted)) + ' files extracted') # loop over extracted files and create the workouts, taking # care of duplicates. Store some stats/info in a dict, so we can # keep that somewhere, to show to the user later on for extracted_file in extracted: base_file_name = os.path.basename(extracted_file) log_header = self.file_name + '/' + base_file_name + ' loading file') file_extension = os.path.splitext(base_file_name)[1].strip('.') # gpx files are text, but fit files are binary files open_mode = 'r' binary = False if file_extension == 'fit': open_mode = 'rb' binary = True with open(extracted_file, open_mode) as f_obj: blob = create_blob(, file_extension=file_extension, binary=binary) workout = Workout() workout.tracking_file = blob workout.tracking_filetype = file_extension try: workout.load_from_file() except (FitHeaderError, FitEOFError, GPXXMLSyntaxException) as e: log.error(log_header + ' error loading tracking file ') log.error(e) self.loaded_info[base_file_name] = { 'loaded': False, 'error': 'tracking file load error', 'workout': None, } else: # check for duplicates # hashed is not "complete" for a workout that has not been # added yet, as it does not have the owner set, so we have to # "build it" hashed = str(self.uid) + workout.hashed duplicate = root.get_workout_by_hash(hashed) if duplicate: log.warning( log_header + ' cannot create workout, possible duplicate') self.loaded_info[base_file_name] = { 'loaded': False, 'error': 'Possible duplicate workout', 'workout': None, } else: # add the workout only if no errors happened user.add_workout(workout) + ' workout added') self.loaded_info[base_file_name] = { 'loaded': True, 'error': None, 'workout': workout.workout_id, } self.workout_ids.append(workout.workout_id) # clean-up, we have to check if the temporary directory exists, # as extract() won't create such directory if the compressed file # is empty if os.path.exists(tmp_extract_path): rmtree(tmp_extract_path) # mark this bulk file as loaded self.loaded = class BulkFiles(Folder): """ Container for bulk upload compressed files """ __parent__ = __name__ = None def __acl__(self): """ Everybody can view, super users can edit """ permissions = [ (Allow, Everyone, 'view'), (Allow, 'admins', 'edit'), (Deny, Everyone, ALL_PERMISSIONS) ] return permissions def add_bulk_file(self, bulk_file): self[str(bulk_file.bfid)] = bulk_file def get_by_uid(self, uid): """ Return bulk files owned by the given uid """ return [self[bf] for bf in self if self[bf].uid == str(uid)]