from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from decimal import Decimal import pytz import gpxpy from repoze.folder import Folder from import Allow, Everyone from ow.utilities import ( GPXMinidomParser, copy_blob, create_blob, mps_to_kmph ) from import Fit class Workout(Folder): __parent__ = __name__ = None def __acl__(self): """ If the workout is owned by a given user, only that user have access to it (for now). If not, everybody can view it, only admins can edit it. """ # Default permissions permissions = [ (Allow, Everyone, 'view'), (Allow, 'group:admins', 'edit') ] uid = getattr(self.__parent__, 'uid', None) if uid is not None: # Change permissions in case this workout has an owner permissions = [ (Allow, str(uid), 'view'), (Allow, str(uid), 'edit'), ] return permissions def __init__(self, **kw): super(Workout, self).__init__() # we do store datetime objects with UTC timezone self.start = kw.get('start', = kw.get('sport', 'unknown') # string self.title = kw.get('title', '') # unicode string self.notes = kw.get('notes', '') # unicode string self.duration = kw.get('duration', None) # a timedelta object self.distance = kw.get('distance', None) # kilometers, Decimal self.speed = kw.get('speed', {}) self.hr_min = kw.get('hr_min', None) # bpm, Decimal self.hr_max = kw.get('hr_max', None) # bpm, Decimal self.hr_avg = kw.get('hr_avg', None) # bpm, Decimal self.uphill = kw.get('uphill', None) self.downhill = kw.get('downhill', None) self.cad_min = kw.get('cad_min', None) self.cad_max = kw.get('cad_max', None) self.cad_avg = kw.get('cad_avg', None) self.atemp_min = kw.get('atemp_min', None) self.atemp_max = kw.get('atemp_max', None) self.atemp_avg = kw.get('atemp_avg', None) self.tracking_file = kw.get('tracking_file', None) # Blob self.tracking_filetype = '' # unicode string # attr to store ANT fit files. For now this file is used to # generate a gpx-encoded tracking file we then use through # the whole app self.fit_file = kw.get('fit_file', None) # Blob @property def workout_id(self): return self.__name__ @property def owner(self): return self.__parent__ @property def end(self): if not self.duration: return None return self.start + self.duration @property def start_date(self): return self.start.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') @property def start_time(self): return self.start.strftime('%H:%M') def start_in_timezone(self, timezone): """ Return a string representation of the start date and time, localized into the given timezone """ _start = self.start.astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone)) return _start.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M (%Z)') def end_in_timezone(self, timezone): """ Return a string representation of the end date and time, localized into the given timezone """ _end = self.end.astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone)) return _end.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M (%Z)') def split_duration(self): hours, remainder = divmod(int(self.duration.total_seconds()), 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) return hours, minutes, seconds @property def duration_hours(self): return str(self.split_duration()[0]).zfill(2) @property def duration_minutes(self): return str(self.split_duration()[1]).zfill(2) @property def duration_seconds(self): return str(self.split_duration()[2]).zfill(2) @property def _duration(self): return ':'.join( [self.duration_hours, self.duration_minutes, self.duration_seconds] ) @property def rounded_distance(self): """ Return rounded value for distance, '-' if the workout has no distance data (weight lifting, martial arts, table tennis, etc) """ if self.distance: return round(self.distance, 1) return '-' @property def has_hr(self): """ True if this workout has heart rate data, False otherwise """ data = [self.hr_min, self.hr_max, self.hr_avg] return data.count(None) == 0 @property def hr(self): """ Return a dict with rounded values for hr min, max and average, return None if there is no heart rate data for this workout """ if self.has_hr: return {'min': round(self.hr_min), 'max': round(self.hr_max), 'avg': round(self.hr_avg)} return None @property def has_cad(self): """ True if this workout has cadence data, False otherwise """ data = [self.cad_min, self.cad_max, self.cad_avg] return data.count(None) == 0 @property def cad(self): """ Return a dict with rounded values for cadence min, max and average return None if there is no cadence data for this workout """ if self.has_cad: return {'min': round(self.cad_min), 'max': round(self.cad_max), 'avg': round(self.cad_avg)} return None @property def has_atemp(self): """ True if this workout has temperature data, False otherwise """ data = [self.atemp_min, self.atemp_max, self.atemp_avg] return data.count(None) == 0 @property def atemp(self): """ Return a dict with rounded values for temperature min, max and average return None if there is no temperature data for this workout """ if self.has_atemp: return {'min': round(self.atemp_min), 'max': round(self.atemp_max), 'avg': round(self.atemp_avg)} return None @property def tracking_file_path(self): """ Get the path to the blob file attached as a tracking file. First check if the file was not committed to the db yet (new workout not saved yet) and use the path to the temporary file on the fs. If none is found there, go for the real blob file in the blobs directory """ path = None if self.tracking_file: path = self.tracking_file._p_blob_uncommitted if path is None: path = self.tracking_file._p_blob_committed return path @property def fit_file_path(self): """ Get the path to the blob file attached as a fit file. First check if the file was not committed to the db yet (new workout not saved yet) and use the path to the temporary file on the fs. If none is found there, go for the real blob file in the blobs directory """ path = None if self.fit_file: path = self.fit_file._p_blob_uncommitted if path is None: path = self.fit_file._p_blob_committed return path def load_from_file(self): """ Check which kind of tracking file we have for this workout, then call the proper method to load info from the tracking file """ if self.tracking_filetype == 'gpx': self.load_from_gpx() elif self.tracking_filetype == 'fit': self.load_from_fit() def load_from_gpx(self): """ Load some information from an attached gpx file. Return True if data had been succesfully loaded, False otherwise """ with as gpx_file: gpx_contents = gpx_contents = gpx_contents.decode('utf-8') gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_contents) if gpx.tracks: track = gpx.tracks[0] # Start time comes in UTC/GMT/ZULU time_bounds = track.get_time_bounds() self.start = time_bounds.start_time # ensure this datetime start object is timezone-aware self.start = self.start.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) # get_duration returns seconds self.duration = timedelta(seconds=track.get_duration()) # length_3d returns meters self.distance = Decimal(track.length_3d()) / Decimal(1000.00) ud = track.get_uphill_downhill() self.uphill = Decimal(ud.uphill) self.downhill = Decimal(ud.downhill) # If the user did not provide us with a title, and the gpx has # one, use that if not self.title and self.title = # Hack to calculate some values from the GPX 1.1 extensions, # using our own parser (gpxpy does not support those yet) tracks = self.parse_gpx() hr = [] cad = [] atemp = [] for t in tracks: hr += [ d['hr'] for d in tracks[t] if d['hr'] is not None] cad += [ d['cad'] for d in tracks[t] if d['cad'] is not None] atemp += [ d['atemp'] for d in tracks[t] if d['atemp'] is not None] if hr: self.hr_min = Decimal(min(hr)) self.hr_avg = Decimal(sum(hr)) / Decimal(len(hr)) self.hr_max = Decimal(max(hr)) if cad: self.cad_min = Decimal(min(cad)) self.cad_avg = Decimal(sum(cad)) / Decimal(len(cad)) self.cad_max = Decimal(max(cad)) if atemp: self.atemp_min = Decimal(min(atemp)) self.atemp_avg = Decimal(sum(atemp)) / Decimal(len(atemp)) self.atemp_max = Decimal(max(atemp)) return True return False def parse_gpx(self): """ Parse the gpx using minidom. This method is needed as a workaround to get HR/CAD/TEMP values from gpx 1.1 extensions (gpxpy does not handle them correctly so far) """ if not self.has_gpx: # No gpx, nothing to return return {} # Get the path to the blob file, first check if the file was not # committed to the db yet (new workout not saved yet) and use the # path to the temporary file on the fs. If none is found there, go # for the final blob file gpx_path = self.tracking_file._p_blob_uncommitted if gpx_path is None: gpx_path = self.tracking_file._p_blob_committed # Create a parser, load the gpx and parse the tracks parser = GPXMinidomParser(gpx_path) parser.load_gpx() parser.parse_tracks() return parser.tracks def load_from_fit(self): """ Try to load data from an ANT-compatible .fit file (if any has been added to this workout). "Load data" means: 1. Copy over the uploaded fit file to self.fit_file, so we can keep that copy around for future use 2. generate a gpx object from the fit file 3. save the gpx object as the tracking_file, which then will be used by the current code to display and gather data to be displayed/shown to the user. 4. Grab some basic info from the fit file and store it in the Workout """ # backup the fit file self.fit_file = copy_blob(self.tracking_file) # create an instance of our Fit class fit = Fit(self.fit_file_path) fit.load() # fit -> gpx and store that as the main tracking file self.tracking_file = create_blob(fit.gpx, 'gpx') self.tracking_filetype = 'gpx' # grab the needed data from the fit file, update the workout =['sport'] self.start =['start'] # ensure this datetime start object is timezone-aware self.start = self.start.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) # duration comes in seconds, store a timedelta self.duration = timedelta(['duration']) if['distance']: # distance comes in meters self.distance = Decimal(['distance']) / Decimal(1000.00) if['uphill']: self.uphill = Decimal(['uphill']) if['downhill']: self.downhill = Decimal(['downhill']) # If the user did not provide us with a title, build one from the # info in the fit file if not self.title: self.title = if['max_speed']: self.speed['max'] = mps_to_kmph(['max_speed']) if['avg_speed']: self.speed['avg'] = mps_to_kmph(['avg_speed']) if['avg_hr']: self.hr_avg = Decimal(['avg_hr']) self.hr_min = Decimal(['min_hr']) self.hr_max = Decimal(['max_hr']) if['avg_cad']: self.cad_avg = Decimal(['avg_cad']) self.cad_min = Decimal(['min_cad']) self.cad_max = Decimal(['max_cad']) if['avg_atemp']: self.atemp_avg = Decimal(['avg_atemp']) self.atemp_min = Decimal(['min_atemp']) self.atemp_max = Decimal(['max_atemp']) return True @property def has_tracking_file(self): return self.tracking_file is not None @property def has_gpx(self): return self.has_tracking_file and self.tracking_filetype == 'gpx' @property def has_fit(self): return self.fit_file is not None