import json from unittest.mock import Mock from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import pytest from repoze.catalog.catalog import Catalog from ow.models.workout import Workout from ow.models.user import User from ow.models.root import OpenWorkouts class TestRootOpenWorkouts(object): @pytest.fixture def john(self): user = User(firstname='John', lastname='Doe', email='') user.password = 's3cr3t' return user @pytest.fixture def root(self, john): root = OpenWorkouts() root.add_user(john) workout = Workout( start=datetime(2015, 6, 28, 12, 55, tzinfo=timezone.utc), duration=timedelta(minutes=60), distance=30, sport='cycling' ) john.add_workout(workout) return root def test__init__(self, root): # a new OpenWorkouts instance has a catalog created automatically assert isinstance(root.catalog, Catalog) assert len(root.catalog) == 3 for key in ['email', 'nickname', 'sport']: assert key in root.catalog def test_update_indexes(self, root): indexes = sorted([i for i in root.catalog]) assert indexes == ['email', 'nickname', 'sport'] # remove one index del root.catalog['email'] indexes = sorted([i for i in root.catalog]) assert indexes == ['nickname', 'sport'] # now update indexes, the index will be back there root._update_indexes() indexes = sorted([i for i in root.catalog]) assert indexes == ['email', 'nickname', 'sport'] def test_add_user_ok(self, root): assert len(root.users) == 1 user = User(firstname='New', lastname='For Testing', email='') root.add_user(user) assert len(root.users) == 2 assert user in root.users def test_add_user_invalid(self, root): assert len(root.users) == 1 with pytest.raises(AttributeError): root.add_user('faked-user-object') def test_del_user_ok(self, root, john): assert len(root.users) == 1 root.del_user(john) assert len(root.users) == 0 def test_del_user_failure(self, root): assert len(root.users) == 1 with pytest.raises(AttributeError): root.add_user('faked-user-object') def test_get_user_by_uid(self, root, john): # first, get an user that does exist user = root.get_user_by_uid(str(john.uid)) assert user == john # now, without converting first to str, works too user = root.get_user_by_uid(john.uid) assert user == john # now, something that is not there new_user = User(firstname='someone', lastname='else', email='') user = root.get_user_by_uid(new_user.uid) assert user is None # now, something that is not an uid user = root.get_user_by_uid('faked-user-uid') assert user is None def test_get_user_by_email(self, root, john): # first, get an user that does exist user = root.get_user_by_email(str( assert user == john # now, something that is not there new_user = User(firstname='someone', lastname='else', email='') user = root.get_user_by_email( assert user is None # now, something that is not an email user = root.get_user_by_email('faked-user-email') assert user is None # passing in None user = root.get_user_by_email(None) assert user is None # passing in something that is not None or a string will break # the query code with pytest.raises(TypeError): user = root.get_user_by_email(False) with pytest.raises(TypeError): user = root.get_user_by_email(Mock()) def test_get_user_by_nickname(self, root, john): # set a nickname for john john.nickname = 'JohnDoe' root.reindex(john) user = root.get_user_by_nickname('JohnDoe') assert user == john user = root.get_user_by_nickname('NonExistant') assert user is None # passing in None user = root.get_user_by_nickname(None) assert user is None # passing in something that is not None or a string will break # the query code with pytest.raises(TypeError): user = root.get_user_by_nickname(False) with pytest.raises(TypeError): user = root.get_user_by_nickname(Mock()) def test_users(self, root, john): assert root.users == [john] def test_all_nicknames(self, root, john): # the existing user has not a nickname, and empty nicknames are not # added to the list of nicknames assert root.all_nicknames == [] # now set one john.nickname = 'MrJohn' assert root.all_nicknames == ['MrJohn'] def test_lowercase_nicknames(self, root, john): # the existing user has not a nickname assert root.lowercase_nicknames == [] # now set one john.nickname = 'MrJohn' assert root.lowercase_nicknames == ['mrjohn'] def test_emails(self, root): assert root.emails == [''] def test_lowercase_emails(self, root): user = User(firstname='Jack', lastname='Dumb', email='') root.add_user(user) assert root.lowercase_emails == ['', ''] def test_sports(self, root, john): assert root.sports == ['cycling'] workout = Workout( start=datetime(2015, 6, 29, 12, 55, tzinfo=timezone.utc), duration=timedelta(minutes=60), distance=10, sport='running') john.add_workout(workout) assert root.sports == ['cycling', 'running'] def test_sports_json(self, root, john): assert root.sports_json == json.dumps(["cycling"]) workout = Workout( start=datetime(2015, 6, 29, 12, 55, tzinfo=timezone.utc), duration=timedelta(minutes=60), distance=10, sport='running') john.add_workout(workout) assert root.sports_json == json.dumps(["cycling", "running"])