import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import pytest from ow.models.workout import Workout from ow.models.user import User from ow.models.root import OpenWorkouts class TestRootOpenWorkouts(object): @pytest.fixture def root(self): root = OpenWorkouts() root['john'] = User(firstname='John', lastname='Doe', email='') root['john'].password = 's3cr3t' workout = Workout( start=datetime(2015, 6, 28, 12, 55, tzinfo=timezone.utc), duration=timedelta(minutes=60), distance=30, sport='cycling' ) root['john'].add_workout(workout) return root def test_all_usernames(self, root): # the method returns an OOBtree object assert [u for u in root.all_usernames()] == ['john'] def test_lowercase_usernames(self, root): root.add_user(uid='Jack', firstname='Jack', lastname='Dumb', email='') assert root.lowercase_usernames() == ['jack', 'john'] def test_emails(self, root): assert root.emails() == [''] def test_lowercase_emails(self, root): root.add_user(uid='Jack', firstname='Jack', lastname='Dumb', email='') assert root.lowercase_emails() == ['', ''] def test_users(self, root): # the method returns an OOBtree object assert [u for u in root.users()] == [root['john']] def test_get_user(self, root): assert root.get_user('john') == root['john'] assert root.get_user('jack') is None with pytest.raises(TypeError): root.get_user() def test_add_user(self, root): assert len(root.users()) == 1 root.add_user(uid='jack', firstname='Jack', lastname='Dumb', email='') assert len(root.users()) == 2 assert 'jack' in root.all_usernames() def test_sports(self, root): assert root.sports == ['cycling'] workout = Workout( start=datetime(2015, 6, 29, 12, 55, tzinfo=timezone.utc), duration=timedelta(minutes=60), distance=10, sport='running') root['john'].add_workout(workout) assert root.sports == ['cycling', 'running'] def test_sports_json(self, root): assert root.sports_json == json.dumps(["cycling"]) workout = Workout( start=datetime(2015, 6, 29, 12, 55, tzinfo=timezone.utc), duration=timedelta(minutes=60), distance=10, sport='running') root['john'].add_workout(workout) assert root.sports_json == json.dumps(["cycling", "running"])