import os from shutil import copyfile from unittest.mock import patch, Mock import pytest from ow import migrate class MigrateUnitTests(object): def test_includeme(self): config = Mock() migrate.includeme(config) config.scan.assert_called_with('ow.migrate') @patch('ow.migrate.run_migrations') def test_closer_wrapper_ok(self, run): closer = Mock() env = dict( registry=Mock(settings={}), root_factory=Mock(__module__='mytest'), request=1, root=2, closer=closer) migrate.closer_wrapper(env) run.assert_called_with(1, 2, 'mytest.migrations') assert closer.called @patch('ow.migrate.closer_wrapper') @patch('ow.migrate.prepare') def test_application_created_ok(self, prepare, wrap): event = Mock() migrate.application_created(event) assert prepare.called assert wrap.called @patch('ow.migrate.output') def test_command_line_no_conf(self, pr): ret = migrate.command_line_main(['']) assert ret == 1 assert pr.called @patch('ow.migrate.closer_wrapper') @patch('ow.migrate.bootstrap') def test_command_line_no(self, bs, wrap): ret = migrate.command_line_main(['', 'dev.ini']) assert ret == 0 assert bs.called assert wrap.called @patch('ow.migrate.commit') @patch('ow.migrate.get_connection') def test_reset_version(self, pget_connection, pcommit): zodb = {} pget_connection.return_value.root.return_value = zodb migrate.reset_version('myrequest', 25) assert zodb == {'database_version': 25} pcommit.asert_called_with() def cleanup(): """ Clean up pyc files generated while running the following test suite """ migrations = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'migrations') for f in os.listdir(migrations): if '.pyc' in f or 'fail' in f or f == '': os.remove(os.path.join(migrations, f)) class mocked_get_connection(object): """ This is a class we can use to mock pyramid_zodbconn.get_connection() (see test_run_migrations) """ def __init__(self, versions=0): self.versions = versions def root(self): return {'database_version': self.versions} class MigrateTests(object): package_name = 'ow.tests.migrations' ini_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'migrations') def test_get_indexes_ok(self): indexes = migrate.get_indexes(self.package_name) assert isinstance(indexes, list) assert len(indexes) == 2 def test_get_indexes_fail(self): migrate.get_indexes(self.package_name) with pytest.raises(ImportError): migrate.get_indexes('nonexistent.module.migrations') def test_get_indexes_invalid(self): # Create a new migration file with an invalid name, so the get_indexes # will raise a ValueError exception copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'migrations/'), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'migrations/')) indexes = migrate.get_indexes(self.package_name) assert isinstance(indexes, list) assert len(indexes) == 2 def test_get_max_in_max_cache(self): with patch.dict(migrate.MAX_CACHE, {self.package_name: 10}): max_version = migrate.get_max(self.package_name) assert max_version == 10 def test_get_max(self): max_version = migrate.get_max(self.package_name) assert max_version == 2 def test_version(self): # instead of a real ZODB root, we do use a simple dict here, # it should be enough for what need to test. root = {} root = migrate.set_version(root, 10) assert root['database_version'] == 10 def test_max_version(self): # instead of a real ZODB root, we do use a simple dict here, # it should be enough for what need to test. root = {} root = migrate.set_max_version(root, self.package_name) assert root['database_version'] == 2 @patch('ow.migrate.get_connection') @patch('ow.tests.migrations.1.output') @patch('ow.tests.migrations.2.output') def test_run_all_migrations(self, pr2, pr1, gc): """ Test that all migrations apply """ gc.return_value = mocked_get_connection() migrate.run_migrations(None, {}, self.package_name) cleanup() assert pr1.called assert pr2.called @patch('ow.migrate.get_connection') def test_run_no_migrations(self, gc): """ Test that there are no more migrations to apply """ gc.return_value = mocked_get_connection(versions=2) migrate.run_migrations(None, {}, self.package_name) @patch('ow.migrate.get_connection') @patch('ow.tests.migrations.1.output') @patch('ow.tests.migrations.2.output') def test_run_invalid_migrations(self, pr2, pr1, gc): """ Test what happens if a migration does not contains the proper migrate method """ invalid_migration = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'migrations/'), 'w') invalid_migration.write('# This is an empty migration, just for tests') invalid_migration.write('def no_migrate_method_here():') invalid_migration.write(' print "Nothing to see here!"') invalid_migration.close() gc.return_value = mocked_get_connection(versions=0) migrate.run_migrations(None, {}, self.package_name) assert pr1.called assert pr2.called