import os from datetime import timedelta from unittest.mock import patch from pyexpat import ExpatError from xml.dom.minidom import Element import pytest from ow.models.root import OpenWorkouts from ow.models.user import User from ow.models.workout import Workout from ow.utilities import ( slugify, GPXMinidomParser, semicircles_to_degrees, degrees_to_semicircles, miles_to_kms, kms_to_miles, meters_to_kms, kms_to_meters, mps_to_kmph, kmph_to_mps, save_map_screenshot ) from ow.tests.helpers import join class TestUtilities(object): @pytest.fixture def john(self): john = User(firstname='John', lastname='Doe', email='') john.password = 's3cr3t' return john @pytest.fixture def root(self, john): root = OpenWorkouts() root.add_user(john) john['1'] = Workout( duration=timedelta(minutes=60), distance=30 ) return root def test_slugify(self): res = slugify(u'long story SHORT ') assert res == u'long-story-short' res = slugify(u'bla \u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03ac \u03c0\u03b1\u03c2') assert res == u'bla-kala-pas' def test_slugify_special_chars(self): res = slugify(u'(r)-[i]\u00AE') assert res == u'r-i-r' def test_semicircles_to_degrees(self): assert semicircles_to_degrees(10) == 10 * (180 / pow(2, 31)) def test_degrees_to_semicircles(self): assert degrees_to_semicircles(10) == 10 * (pow(2, 31) / 180) def test_miles_to_kms(self): assert miles_to_kms(100) == 100 / 0.62137119 def test_kms_to_miles(self): assert kms_to_miles(100) == 100 * 0.62137119 def test_meters_to_kms(self): assert meters_to_kms(1000) == 1 def test_kms_to_meters(self): assert kms_to_meters(1) == 1000 def test_mps_to_kmph(self): assert mps_to_kmph(5) == 5 * 3.6 def test_kmph_to_mps(self): assert kmph_to_mps(30) == 30 * 0.277778 @patch('ow.utilities.os') @patch('ow.utilities.subprocess') def test_save_map_screenshot_no_gpx(self, subprocess, os, root, john): saved = save_map_screenshot(john['1']) assert not saved assert not os.path.abspath.called assert not os.path.dirname.called assert not os.path.join.called assert not os.path.exists.called assert not os.makedirs.called assert not # even having a fit tracking file, nothing is done john['1'].tracking_file = 'faked fit file' john['1'].tracking_filetype = 'fit' saved = save_map_screenshot(john['1']) assert not saved assert not os.path.abspath.called assert not os.path.dirname.called assert not os.path.join.called assert not os.path.exists.called assert not os.makedirs.called assert not @patch('ow.utilities.os') @patch('ow.utilities.subprocess') def test_save_map_screenshot_with_gpx(self, subprocess, os, root, john): os.path.abspath.return_value = 'current_dir' os.path.join.side_effect = join # This mimics what happens when the directory for this user map # screenshots does not exist, which means we don'have to create one # (calling os.makedirs) os.path.exists.return_value = False john['1'].tracking_file = 'faked gpx content' john['1'].tracking_filetype = 'gpx' saved = save_map_screenshot(john['1']) assert saved os.path.abspath.assert_called_once assert os.path.dirname.called assert os.path.join.call_count == 3 assert os.path.exists.called assert os.makedirs.called @patch('ow.utilities.os') @patch('ow.utilities.subprocess') def test_save_map_screenshot_with_gpx_makedirs( self, subprocess, os, root, john): os.path.abspath.return_value = 'current_dir' os.path.join.side_effect = join # If os.path.exists returns True, makedirs is not called os.path.exists.return_value = True john['1'].tracking_file = 'faked gpx content' john['1'].tracking_filetype = 'gpx' saved = save_map_screenshot(john['1']) assert saved os.path.abspath.assert_called_once assert os.path.dirname.called assert os.path.join.call_count == 3 assert os.path.exists.called assert not os.makedirs.called class TestGPXParseMinidom(object): def gpx_file(self, filename): """ Return the full path to the given filename from the available fixtures """ here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) path = os.path.join(here, 'fixtures', filename) return path def test_load_gpx_invalid(self): gpx_file = self.gpx_file('invalid.gpx') parser = GPXMinidomParser(gpx_file) with pytest.raises(ExpatError): parser.load_gpx() assert parser.gpx is None gpx_files = [ ('empty.gpx', Element), ('20131013.gpx', Element), # GPX 1.0 file ('20160129-with-extensions.gpx', Element), # GPX 1.1 file with ext. ] @pytest.mark.parametrize(('filename', 'expected'), gpx_files) def test_load_gpx(self, filename, expected): """ Loading valid gpx files ends in the gpx attribute of the parser being a xml.dom.minidom.Element object, not matter if the gpx file is empty or a 1.0/1.1 gpx file. """ gpx_file = self.gpx_file(filename) parser = GPXMinidomParser(gpx_file) parser.load_gpx() assert isinstance(parser.gpx, expected) def test_parse_tracks_empty_gpx(self): gpx_file = self.gpx_file('empty.gpx') parser = GPXMinidomParser(gpx_file) parser.load_gpx() parser.parse_tracks() assert parser.tracks == {} def test_parse_tracks_1_0_gpx(self): """ Parsing a GPX 1.0 file with no extensions. The points in the track contain keys for the well-known extensions (hr, cad, atemp), but their values are None """ gpx_file = self.gpx_file('20131013.gpx') parser = GPXMinidomParser(gpx_file) parser.load_gpx() parser.parse_tracks() keys = list(parser.tracks.keys()) assert keys == [u'A ride I will never forget'] point = parser.tracks[keys[0]][0] data = ['lat', 'lon', 'ele', 'time'] for d in data: assert point[d] is not None extensions = ['hr', 'cad', 'atemp'] for e in extensions: assert point[e] is None def test_parse_tracks_1_1_gpx(self): """ Parsing a GPX 1.1 file with extensions. The points in the track contain keys for the well-known extensions (hr, cad, atemp), with the values taken from the gpx file (although we test only that they are not None) """ gpx_file = self.gpx_file('20160129-with-extensions.gpx') parser = GPXMinidomParser(gpx_file) parser.load_gpx() parser.parse_tracks() keys = list(parser.tracks.keys()) assert keys == [ u'Cota counterclockwise + end bonus'] point = parser.tracks[keys[0]][0] data = ['lat', 'lon', 'ele', 'time'] for d in data: assert point[d] is not None extensions = ['hr', 'cad', 'atemp'] for e in extensions: assert point[e] is not None