import os import json from decimal import Decimal from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from shutil import copyfileobj from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from io import BytesIO from uuid import UUID import pytest from ZODB.blob import Blob from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound from pyramid.response import Response from webob.multidict import MultiDict from PIL import Image from pytz import common_timezones from ow.models.root import OpenWorkouts from ow.models.user import User from ow.models.workout import Workout from ow.views.renderers import OWFormRenderer from ow.utilities import get_available_locale_names import ow.views.user as user_views class TestUserViews(object): @pytest.fixture def john(self): user = User(firstname='John', lastname='Doe', email='') user.password = 's3cr3t' return user @pytest.fixture def root(self, john): root = OpenWorkouts() root.add_user(john) workout = Workout( start=datetime(2015, 6, 28, 12, 55, tzinfo=timezone.utc), duration=timedelta(minutes=60), distance=30 ) john.add_workout(workout) return root @pytest.fixture def dummy_request(self, root): request = DummyRequest() request.registry.settings = { 'pyramid.default_locale_name': 'en' } request.root = root return request @pytest.fixture def profile_post_request(self, root, john): """ This is a valid POST request to update an user profile. Form will validate, but nothing will be really updated/changed. """ user = john request = DummyRequest() request.registry.settings = { 'pyramid.default_locale_name': 'en' } request.root = root request.method = 'POST' request.POST = MultiDict({ 'submit': True, 'firstname': user.firstname, 'lastname': user.lastname, 'email':, 'bio':, 'weight': user.weight, 'height': user.height, 'gender': user.gender, 'birth_date': user.birth_date, 'picture': user.picture, }) return request @pytest.fixture def passwd_post_request(self, root): """ This is a valid POST request to change the user password, but the form will not validate (empty fields) """ request = DummyRequest() request.root = root request.method = 'POST' request.POST = MultiDict({ 'submit': True, 'old_password': '', 'password': '', 'password_confirm': '' }) return request @pytest.fixture def signup_post_request(self, root): """ This is a valid POST request to signup a new user. """ request = DummyRequest() request.root = root request.method = 'POST' request.POST = MultiDict({ 'submit': True, 'nickname': 'JackBlack', 'email': '', 'firstname': 'Jack', 'lastname': 'Black', 'password': 'j4ck s3cr3t', 'password_confirm': 'j4ck s3cr3t' }) return request @patch('ow.views.user.remember') def test_verify_already_verified(self, remember, dummy_request, john): john.verified = True response = user_views.verify(john, dummy_request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == dummy_request.resource_url(john) # user was not authenticated assert not remember.called # verified status did not change assert john.verified @patch('ow.views.user.remember') def test_verify_no_subpath(self, remember, dummy_request, john): response = user_views.verify(john, dummy_request) # the verify info page is rendered, we don't pass anything to the # rendering context assert response == {} # user was not authenticated assert not remember.called # verified status did not change assert not john.verified def test_verify_subpath_not_verified(self, dummy_request, john): dummy_request.subpath = ['not_the_token'] response = user_views.verify(john, dummy_request) # the verify info page is rendered, we don't pass anything to the # rendering context assert response == {} @patch('ow.views.user.remember') def test_verify_wrong_token(self, remember, dummy_request, john): token = 'some-uuid4' john.verification_token = 'some-other-uuid4' dummy_request.subpath = [token] response = user_views.verify(john, dummy_request) # the verify info page is rendered, we don't pass anything to the # rendering context assert response == {} # user was not authenticated assert not remember.called # verified status did not change, neither did the token assert not john.verified assert john.verification_token == 'some-other-uuid4' @patch('ow.views.user.remember') def test_verify_verifying(self, remember, dummy_request, john): token = 'some-uuid4' john.verification_token = token dummy_request.subpath = [token] response = user_views.verify(john, dummy_request) # redirect to user page assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == dummy_request.resource_url(john) # user was authenticated after verified remember.assert_called_with(dummy_request, str(john.uid)) # user has been verified assert john.verified @patch('ow.views.user.send_verification_email') def test_resend_verification_already_verified( self, sve, dummy_request, john): john.verified = True assert john.verification_token is None response = user_views.resend_verification_link(john, dummy_request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == dummy_request.resource_url( dummy_request.root, 'login', query={'message': 'already-verified'} ) # no emails have been sent assert not sve.called # the token has not been modified assert john.verification_token is None @patch('ow.views.user.send_verification_email') def test_resend_verification(self, sve, dummy_request, john): john.verified = False john.verification_token = 'faked-uuid4-verification-token' assert john.verification_tokens_sent == 0 response = user_views.resend_verification_link(john, dummy_request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == dummy_request.resource_url( dummy_request.root, 'login', query={'message': 'link-sent', 'email':} ) # no emails have been sent sve.assert_called_once_with(dummy_request, john) # the token has not been modified assert john.verification_token == 'faked-uuid4-verification-token' # and we have registered that we sent a token assert john.verification_tokens_sent == 1 @patch('ow.views.user.send_verification_email') def test_resend_verification_new_token(self, sve, dummy_request, john): john.verified = False john.verification_token = None assert john.verification_tokens_sent == 0 response = user_views.resend_verification_link(john, dummy_request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == dummy_request.resource_url( dummy_request.root, 'login', query={'message': 'link-sent', 'email':} ) # no emails have been sent sve.assert_called_once_with(dummy_request, john) # the token has been modified assert john.verification_token is not None assert john.verification_tokens_sent == 1 @patch('ow.views.user.send_verification_email') def test_resend_verification_limit( self, sve, dummy_request, john): john.verified = False john.verification_token = 'faked-uuid4-verification-token' john.verification_tokens_sent = 4 response = user_views.resend_verification_link(john, dummy_request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == dummy_request.resource_url( dummy_request.root, 'login', query={'message': 'max-tokens-sent', 'email':} ) # no emails have been sent assert not sve.called # the token has not been modified assert john.verification_token == 'faked-uuid4-verification-token' assert john.verification_tokens_sent == 4 def test_dashboard_redirect_unauthenticated(self, root): """ Anonymous access to the root object, send the user to the login page. Instead of reusing the DummyRequest from the request fixture, we do Mock fully the request here, because we need to use authenticated_userid, which cannot be easily set in the DummyRequest """ request = DummyRequest() request.root = root response = user_views.dashboard_redirect(root, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(root, 'login') def test_dashboard_redirect_authenticated(self, root, john): """ Authenticated user accesing the root object, send the user to her dashboard Instead of reusing the DummyRequest from the request fixture, we do Mock fully the request here, because we need to use authenticated_userid, which cannot be easily set in the DummyRequest """ alt_request = DummyRequest() request = Mock() request.root = root request.authenticated_userid = str(john.uid) request.resource_url = alt_request.resource_url response = user_views.dashboard_redirect(root, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(john) # if authenticated_userid is the id of an user that does not exist # anymore, we send the user to the logout page request.authenticated_userid = 'faked-uid' response = user_views.dashboard_redirect(root, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(root, 'logout') def test_dashboard(self, dummy_request, john): """ Renders the user dashboard """ request = dummy_request response = user_views.dashboard(john, request) assert len(response) == 6 assert 'month_name' in response.keys() assert response['current_year'] == assert response['current_day_name'] =='%a') # this user has a single workout, in 2015 assert response['viewing_year'] == 2015 assert response['viewing_month'] == 6 assert response['workouts'] == [w for w in john.workouts()] def test_dashboard_year(self, dummy_request, john): """ Renders the user dashboard for a chosen year. """ request = dummy_request # first test the year for which we know there is a workout request.GET['year'] = 2015 response = user_views.dashboard(john, request) assert len(response) == 6 assert 'month_name' in response.keys() assert response['current_year'] == assert response['current_day_name'] =='%a') # this user has a single workout, in 2015 assert response['viewing_year'] == 2015 assert response['viewing_month'] == 6 assert response['workouts'] == [w for w in john.workouts()] # now, a year we know there is no workout info request.GET['year'] = 2000 response = user_views.dashboard(john, request) assert len(response) == 6 assert 'month_name' in response.keys() assert response['current_year'] == assert response['current_day_name'] =='%a') # this user has a single workout, in 2015 assert response['viewing_year'] == 2000 # we have no data for that year and we didn't ask for a certain month, # so the passing value for that is None assert response['viewing_month'] is None assert response['workouts'] == [] def test_dashboard_year_month(self, dummy_request, john): """ Renders the user dashboard for a chosen year and month. """ request = dummy_request # first test the year/month for which we know there is a workout request.GET['year'] = 2015 request.GET['month'] = 6 response = user_views.dashboard(john, request) assert len(response) == 6 assert 'month_name' in response.keys() assert response['current_year'] == assert response['current_day_name'] =='%a') # this user has a single workout, in 2015 assert response['viewing_year'] == 2015 assert response['viewing_month'] == 6 assert response['workouts'] == [w for w in john.workouts()] # now, change month to one without values request.GET['month'] = 2 response = user_views.dashboard(john, request) assert len(response) == 6 assert 'month_name' in response.keys() assert response['current_year'] == assert response['current_day_name'] =='%a') # this user has a single workout, in 2015 assert response['viewing_year'] == 2015 assert response['viewing_month'] == 2 assert response['workouts'] == [] # now the month with data, but in a different year request.GET['year'] = 2010 request.GET['month'] = 6 response = user_views.dashboard(john, request) assert len(response) == 6 assert 'month_name' in response.keys() assert response['current_year'] == assert response['current_day_name'] =='%a') # this user has a single workout, in 2015 assert response['viewing_year'] == 2010 assert response['viewing_month'] == 6 assert response['workouts'] == [] def test_dashboard_month(self, dummy_request, john): """ Passing a month without a year when rendering the dashboard. The last year for which workout data is available is assumed """ request = dummy_request # Set a month without workout data request.GET['month'] = 5 response = user_views.dashboard(john, request) assert len(response) == 6 assert 'month_name' in response.keys() assert response['current_year'] == assert response['current_day_name'] =='%a') # this user has a single workout, in 2015 assert response['viewing_year'] == 2015 assert response['viewing_month'] == 5 assert response['workouts'] == [] # now a month with data request.GET['month'] = 6 response = user_views.dashboard(john, request) assert len(response) == 6 assert 'month_name' in response.keys() assert response['current_year'] == assert response['current_day_name'] =='%a') # this user has a single workout, in 2015 assert response['viewing_year'] == 2015 assert response['viewing_month'] == 6 assert response['workouts'] == [w for w in john.workouts()] def test_profile(self, dummy_request, john): """ Renders the user profile page """ request = dummy_request # profile page for the current day (no workouts avalable) response = user_views.profile(john, request) assert len(response.keys()) == 5 current_month ='%Y-%m') assert response['user'] == john assert response['current_month'] == current_month assert response['current_week'] is None assert response['workouts'] == [] assert response['totals'] == { 'distance': Decimal(0), 'time': timedelta(0), 'elevation': Decimal(0) } # profile page for a previous date, that has workouts request.GET['year'] = 2015 request.GET['month'] = 6 response = user_views.profile(john, request) assert len(response.keys()) == 5 assert response['user'] == john assert response['current_month'] == '2015-06' assert response['current_week'] is None workouts = john.workouts(2015, 6) assert response['workouts'] == workouts assert response['totals'] == { 'distance': workouts[0].distance, 'time': workouts[0].duration, 'elevation': Decimal(0) } # same, passing a week, first on a week without workouts request.GET['year'] = 2015 request.GET['month'] = 6 request.GET['week'] = 25 response = user_views.profile(john, request) assert len(response.keys()) == 5 assert response['user'] == john assert response['current_month'] == '2015-06' assert response['current_week'] == 25 assert response['workouts'] == [] assert response['totals'] == { 'distance': Decimal(0), 'time': timedelta(0), 'elevation': Decimal(0) } # now in a week with workouts request.GET['year'] = 2015 request.GET['month'] = 6 request.GET['week'] = 26 response = user_views.profile(john, request) assert len(response.keys()) == 5 assert response['user'] == john assert response['current_month'] == '2015-06' assert response['current_week'] == 26 workouts = john.workouts(2015, 6) assert response['workouts'] == workouts assert response['totals'] == { 'distance': workouts[0].distance, 'time': workouts[0].duration, 'elevation': Decimal(0) } def test_login_get(self, dummy_request): """ GET request to access the login page """ request = dummy_request response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['message'] == '' assert response['email'] == '' assert response['password'] == '' assert response['redirect_url'] == request.resource_url(request.root) assert response['resend_verify_link'] is None def test_login_get_return_to(self, dummy_request, john): """ GET request to access the login page, if there is a page set to where the user should be sent to, the response "redirect_url" key will have such url """ request = dummy_request workout = john.workouts()[0] workout_url = request.resource_url(workout) request.params['return_to'] = workout_url response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['redirect_url'] == workout_url def test_login_get_GET_messages(self, dummy_request): """ GET request to access the login page, passing as a GET parameter a "message key" so a given message is shown to the user """ request = dummy_request # first try with the keys we know there are messages associated to request.GET['message'] = 'already-verified' response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['message'] == 'User has been verified already' request.GET['message'] = 'link-sent' response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['message'] == ( 'Verification link sent, please check your inbox') request.GET['message'] = 'max-tokens-sent' response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['message'] == ( 'We already sent you the verification link more than three times') # now try with a key that has no message assigned request.GET['message'] = 'invalid-message-key' response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['message'] == '' def test_login_get_GET_email(self, dummy_request): """ GET request to access the login page, passing as a GET parameter an email address. That email is used to automatically fill in the email input in the login form. """ request = dummy_request # first try with the keys we know there are messages associated to request.GET['email'] = '' response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['email'] == '' def test_login_post_wrong_email(self, dummy_request): request = dummy_request request.method = 'POST' request.POST['submit'] = True request.POST['email'] = '' response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['message'] == u'Wrong email address' def test_login_post_wrong_password(self, dummy_request): request = dummy_request request.method = 'POST' request.POST['submit'] = True request.POST['email'] = '' request.POST['password'] = 'badpassword' # verify the user first request.root.users[0].verified = True response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['message'] == u'Wrong password' @patch('ow.views.user.remember') def test_login_post_unverified(self, rem, dummy_request, john): request = dummy_request request.method = 'POST' request.POST['submit'] = True request.POST['email'] = '' request.POST['password'] = 's3cr3t' response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert response['message'] == u'You have to verify your account first' @patch('ow.views.user.remember') def test_login_post_ok(self, rem, dummy_request, john): request = dummy_request request.method = 'POST' request.POST['submit'] = True request.POST['email'] = '' request.POST['password'] = 's3cr3t' # verify the user first john.verified = True response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert rem.called assert response.location == request.resource_url(john) # the response headers contain the proper set_cookie for the default # locale default_locale_name = request.registry.settings[ 'pyramid.default_locale_name'] expected_locale_header = '_LOCALE_=' + default_locale_name + '; Path=/' assert response.headers['Set-Cookie'] == expected_locale_header @patch('ow.views.user.remember') def test_login_post_ok_set_locale(self, rem, dummy_request, john): # same as the previous test, but this time the user has set a # locale different than the default one request = dummy_request request.method = 'POST' request.POST['submit'] = True request.POST['email'] = '' request.POST['password'] = 's3cr3t' # verify the user first john.verified = True # set the locale john.locale = 'es' response = user_views.login(request.root, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert rem.called assert response.location == request.resource_url(john) # the response headers contain the proper set_cookie for the user # locale setting expected_locale_header = '_LOCALE_=es; Path=/' assert response.headers['Set-Cookie'] == expected_locale_header @patch('ow.views.user.forget') def test_logout(self, forg, dummy_request): request = dummy_request response = user_views.logout(request.root, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert forg.called assert response.location == request.resource_url(request.root) # the response headers contain the needed Set-Cookie header that # invalidates the _LOCALE_ cookie, preventing problems with users # sharing the same web browser (one locale setting being set for # another user) expected_locale_header = '_LOCALE_=; Max-Age=0; Path=/; expires=' assert expected_locale_header in response.headers['Set-Cookie'] extensions = ('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif') @pytest.mark.parametrize('extension', extensions) def test_profile_picture(self, extension, dummy_request, john): """ GET request to get the profile picture of an user. """ request = dummy_request # Get the user user = john # Get the path to the image, then open it and copy it to a new Blob # object path = 'fixtures/image.' + extension image_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), path) blob = Blob() with open(image_path, 'rb') as infile,'w') as out: copyfileobj(infile, out) # Set the blob with the picture user.picture = blob # Call the profile_picture view response = user_views.profile_picture(user, request) assert isinstance(response, Response) assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.content_type == 'image' # as we did not pass a specific size as a get parameter, the size is # the same as the original image original_image = returned_image = assert original_image.size == returned_image.size # now, ask for a smaller image request.GET['size'] = original_image.size[0] - 20 response = user_views.profile_picture(user, request) assert isinstance(response, Response) assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.content_type == 'image' # now the size of the original image is bigger returned_image = assert original_image.size > returned_image.size # now, ask for a size that is bigger than the original image, # image will be the same size, as we do not "grow" its size request.GET['size'] = original_image.size[0] + 1000 response = user_views.profile_picture(user, request) assert isinstance(response, Response) assert response.status_int == 200 assert response.content_type == 'image' # now the size of the original image is bigger returned_image = assert original_image.size == returned_image.size def test_edit_profile_get(self, dummy_request, john): """ GET request to the edit profile page, returns the form ready to be rendered """ request = dummy_request user = john response = user_views.edit_profile(user, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) # no errors in the form (first load) assert response['form'].errorlist() == '' # the form carries along the proper data keys, taken from the # loaded user profile data = ['firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'nickname', 'bio', 'birth_date', 'height', 'weight', 'gender', 'timezone', 'locale'] assert list(response['form'].data.keys()) == data # and check the email to see data is properly loaded assert response['form'].data['email'] == '' assert response['timezones'] == common_timezones assert response[ 'available_locale_names'] == get_available_locale_names() assert response['current_locale'] == request.registry.settings[ 'pyramid.default_locale_name'] def test_edit_profile_post_ok(self, profile_post_request, john): request = profile_post_request user = john # Update the bio field bio = 'Some text about this user' request.POST['bio'] = bio response = user_views.edit_profile(user, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(user, 'profile') assert == bio def test_edit_profile_post_ok_change_locale( self, profile_post_request, john): request = profile_post_request user = john # Update the locale request.POST['locale'] = 'es' response = user_views.edit_profile(user, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(user, 'profile') assert user.locale == 'es' def test_edit_profile_post_ok_invalid_locale( self, profile_post_request, john): request = profile_post_request user = john # Update the locale with an invalid option request.POST['locale'] = 'XX' response = user_views.edit_profile(user, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) # as an error happened, the current_locale had not changed assert response['form'].errors == { 'locale': "Value must be one of: en; es (not 'XX')"} assert user.locale == 'en' def test_edit_profile_post_missing_required( self, profile_post_request, john): request = profile_post_request request.POST['email'] = '' user = john response = user_views.edit_profile(user, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) # error on the missing email field error = u'Please enter an email address' html_error = u'' assert response['form'].errorlist() == html_error assert response['form'].errors_for('email') == [error] def test_edit_profile_post_ok_picture_empty_bytes( self, profile_post_request, john): """ POST request with an empty picture, the content of request['POST'].picture is a empty bytes string (b'') which triggers a bug in formencode, we put a fix in place, test that (more in ow.user.views.edit_profile) """ # for the purposes of this test, we can mock the picture picture = Mock() john.picture = picture request = profile_post_request user = john # Mimic what happens when a picture is not provided by the user request.POST['picture'] = b'' response = user_views.edit_profile(user, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(user, 'profile') assert user.picture == picture def test_edit_profile_post_ok_missing_picture( self, profile_post_request, john): """ POST request without picture """ # for the purposes of this test, we can mock the picture picture = Mock() john.picture = picture request = profile_post_request user = john # No pic is provided in the request POST values del request.POST['picture'] response = user_views.edit_profile(user, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(user, 'profile') assert user.picture == picture def test_edit_profile_post_ok_nickname(self, profile_post_request, john): """ User with a nickname set saves profile without changing the profile, we have to be sure there are no "nickname already in use" errors """ request = profile_post_request user = john user.nickname = 'mr_jones' # add the nickname, the default post request has not a nickname set request.POST['nickname'] = 'mr_jones' response = user_views.edit_profile(user, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(user, 'profile') def test_change_password_get(self, dummy_request, john): request = dummy_request user = john response = user_views.change_password(user, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) # no errors in the form (first load) assert response['form'].errorlist() == '' def test_change_password_post_ok(self, passwd_post_request, john): request = passwd_post_request user = john request.POST['old_password'] = 's3cr3t' request.POST['password'] = 'h1dd3n s3cr3t' request.POST['password_confirm'] = 'h1dd3n s3cr3t' response = user_views.change_password(user, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(user, 'profile') # password was changed assert not user.check_password('s3cr3t') assert user.check_password('h1dd3n s3cr3t') def test_change_password_post_no_values(self, passwd_post_request, john): request = passwd_post_request user = john response = user_views.change_password(user, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) error = u'Please enter a value' html_error = u'' errorlist = response['form'].errorlist().replace('\n', '') assert errorlist == html_error assert response['form'].errors_for('old_password') == [error] assert response['form'].errors_for('password') == [error] assert response['form'].errors_for('password_confirm') == [error] # password was not changed assert user.check_password('s3cr3t') def test_change_password_post_bad_old_password( self, passwd_post_request, john): request = passwd_post_request user = john request.POST['old_password'] = 'FAIL PASSWORD' request.POST['password'] = 'h1dd3n s3cr3t' request.POST['password_confirm'] = 'h1dd3n s3cr3t' response = user_views.change_password(user, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) error = u'The given password does not match the existing one ' html_error = u'' assert response['form'].errorlist() == html_error assert response['form'].errors_for('old_password') == [error] # password was not changed assert user.check_password('s3cr3t') assert not user.check_password('h1dd3n s3cr3t') def test_change_password_post_password_mismatch( self, passwd_post_request, john): request = passwd_post_request user = john request.POST['old_password'] = 's3cr3t' request.POST['password'] = 'h1dd3n s3cr3ts' request.POST['password_confirm'] = 'h1dd3n s3cr3t' response = user_views.change_password(user, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) error = u'Fields do not match' html_error = u'' assert response['form'].errorlist() == html_error assert response['form'].errors_for('password_confirm') == [error] # password was not changed assert user.check_password('s3cr3t') assert not user.check_password('h1dd3n s3cr3t') def test_signup_get(self, dummy_request): request = dummy_request response = user_views.signup(request.root, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) # no errors in the form (first load) assert response['form'].errorlist() == '' @patch('ow.views.user.send_verification_email') def test_signup_post_ok(self, sve, signup_post_request): request = signup_post_request assert '' not in request.root.emails assert 'JackBlack' not in request.root.all_nicknames response = user_views.signup(request.root, request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == request.resource_url(request.root) assert '' in request.root.emails assert 'JackBlack' in request.root.all_nicknames # user is in "unverified" state user = request.root.get_user_by_email('') assert not user.verified assert isinstance(user.verification_token, UUID) # also, we sent an email to that user sve.assert_called_once_with(request, user) def test_signup_missing_required(self, signup_post_request): request = signup_post_request request.POST['email'] = '' assert '' not in request.root.emails assert 'JackBlack' not in request.root.all_nicknames response = user_views.signup(request.root, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) error = u'Please enter an email address' html_error = '' errorlist = response['form'].errorlist().replace('\n', '') assert errorlist == html_error assert response['form'].errors_for('email') == [error] assert '' not in request.root.emails assert 'JackBlack' not in request.root.all_nicknames def test_signup_existing_nickname(self, signup_post_request, john): request = signup_post_request # assign john a nickname first john.nickname = 'john' # now set it for the POST request request.POST['nickname'] = 'john' # check jack is not there yet assert '' not in request.root.emails assert 'JackBlack' not in request.root.all_nicknames # now signup as jack, but trying to set the nickname 'john' response = user_views.signup(request.root, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) error = u'Another user is already using the nickname john' html_error = '' errorlist = response['form'].errorlist().replace('\n', '') assert errorlist == html_error assert response['form'].errors_for('nickname') == [error] # all the errors, and jack is not there assert '' not in request.root.emails assert 'JackBlack' not in request.root.all_nicknames def test_signup_existing_email(self, signup_post_request): request = signup_post_request request.POST['email'] = '' assert '' not in request.root.emails assert 'JackBlack' not in request.root.all_nicknames response = user_views.signup(request.root, request) assert isinstance(response['form'], OWFormRenderer) error = u'Another user is already registered with the email ' error += u'' html_error = '' errorlist = response['form'].errorlist().replace('\n', '') assert errorlist == html_error assert response['form'].errors_for('email') == [error] assert '' not in request.root.emails assert 'JackBlack' not in request.root.all_nicknames def test_week_stats_no_stats(self, dummy_request, john): response = user_views.week_stats(john, dummy_request) assert isinstance(response, Response) assert response.content_type == 'application/json' # the body is a valid json-encoded stream obj = json.loads(response.body) assert obj == [ {'distance': 0, 'elevation': 0, 'name': 'Mon', 'time': '00', 'workouts': 0}, {'distance': 0, 'elevation': 0, 'name': 'Tue', 'time': '00', 'workouts': 0}, {'distance': 0, 'elevation': 0, 'name': 'Wed', 'time': '00', 'workouts': 0}, {'distance': 0, 'elevation': 0, 'name': 'Thu', 'time': '00', 'workouts': 0}, {'distance': 0, 'elevation': 0, 'name': 'Fri', 'time': '00', 'workouts': 0}, {'distance': 0, 'elevation': 0, 'name': 'Sat', 'time': '00', 'workouts': 0}, {'distance': 0, 'elevation': 0, 'name': 'Sun', 'time': '00', 'workouts': 0} ] def test_week_stats(self, dummy_request, john): workout = Workout(, duration=timedelta(minutes=60), distance=30, elevation=540 ) john.add_workout(workout) response = user_views.week_stats(john, dummy_request) assert isinstance(response, Response) assert response.content_type == 'application/json' # the body is a valid json-encoded stream obj = json.loads(response.body) assert len(obj) == 7 for day in obj: if'%a') == day['name']: day['distance'] == 30 day['elevation'] == 540 day['time'] == '01' day['workouts'] == 1 else: day['distance'] == 0 day['elevation'] == 0 day['time'] == '00' day['workouts'] == 0