import re import os import logging import calendar import shutil import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from decimal import Decimal from shutil import copyfileobj from uuid import uuid4 from unidecode import unidecode from xml.dom import minidom from ZODB.blob import Blob from splinter import Browser from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory _ = TranslationStringFactory('OpenWorkouts') log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_verification_token(): """ Generate a new uuid4 verification token we can give a user for verification purposes. uuid4 is a standard that generates a randomly generated token, optimized for a very low chance of collisions. But even if we had a collision, it wouldn't matter - it's simple some users getting the same token in their verification mail. """ return uuid4() def slugify(text, delim=u'-'): """ Generates an ASCII-only slug. from """ _punct_re = re.compile(r'[\t !"#$%&\'()*\-/<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|},.]+') result = [] text = unidecode(text) for word in _punct_re.split(text.lower()): result.extend(word.split()) return delim.join(result) class GPXMinidomParser(object): """ GPX parser, using minidom from the base library. We need this as a workaround, as gpxpy does not handle GPX 1.1 extensions correctly right now (and we have not been able to fix it). This method is inspired by this blog post: parsing-strava-gpx-file-with-python.html """ def __init__(self, gpx_path): self.gpx_path = gpx_path self.gpx = None self.tracks = {} def load_gpx(self): """ Load the given gpx file into a minidom doc, normalize it and set self.gpx to the document root so we can reuse it later on """ doc = minidom.parse(self.gpx_path) doc.normalize() self.gpx = doc.documentElement def parse_tracks(self): """ Loop over all the tracks found in the gpx, parsing them """ for trk in self.gpx.getElementsByTagName('trk'): self.parse_track(trk) def parse_track(self, trk): """ Parse the given track, extracting all the information and putting it into a dict where the key is the track name and the value is a list of data for the the different segments and points in the track. All the data is saved in self.tracks """ name = trk.getElementsByTagName('name')[0] if name not in self.tracks: self.tracks[name] = [] for trkseg in trk.getElementsByTagName('trkseg'): for trkpt in trkseg.getElementsByTagName('trkpt'): lat = Decimal(trkpt.getAttribute('lat')) lon = Decimal(trkpt.getAttribute('lon')) # There could happen there is no elevation data ele = trkpt.getElementsByTagName('ele') if ele: ele = Decimal(ele[0] else: ele = None rfc3339 = trkpt.getElementsByTagName('time')[0] try: t = datetime.strptime( rfc3339, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') except ValueError: t = datetime.strptime( rfc3339, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') hr = None cad = None atemp = None extensions = trkpt.getElementsByTagName('extensions') if extensions: extensions = extensions[0] trkPtExt = extensions.getElementsByTagName( 'gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension')[0] if trkPtExt: hr_ext = trkPtExt.getElementsByTagName('gpxtpx:hr') cad_ext = trkPtExt.getElementsByTagName('gpxtpx:cad') atemp_ext = trkPtExt.getElementsByTagName( 'gpxtpx:atemp') if hr_ext: hr = Decimal(hr_ext[0] if cad_ext: cad = Decimal(cad_ext[0] if atemp_ext: atemp = Decimal(atemp_ext[0] self.tracks[name].append({ 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'ele': ele, 'time': t, 'hr': hr, 'cad': cad, 'atemp': atemp}) def semicircles_to_degrees(semicircles): return semicircles * (180 / pow(2, 31)) def degrees_to_semicircles(degrees): return degrees * (pow(2, 31) / 180) def miles_to_kms(miles): factor = 0.62137119 return miles / factor def kms_to_miles(kms): factor = 0.62137119 return kms * factor def meters_to_kms(meters): return meters / 1000 def kms_to_meters(kms): return kms * 1000 def mps_to_kmph(mps): """ Transform a value from meters-per-second to kilometers-per-hour """ return mps * 3.6 def kmph_to_mps(kmph): """ Transform a value from kilometers-per-hour to meters-per-second """ return kmph * 0.277778 def copy_blob(blob): """ Create a copy of a blob object, returning another blob object that is the copy of the given blob file. """ new_blob = Blob() if getattr(blob, 'file_extension', None): new_blob.file_extension = blob.file_extension with'r') as orig_blob,'w') as dest_blob: copyfileobj(orig_blob, dest_blob) return new_blob def create_blob(data, file_extension, binary=False): """ Create a ZODB blob file from some data, return the blob object """ blob = Blob() blob.file_extension = file_extension with'w') as open_blob: # use .encode() to convert the string to bytes if needed if not binary and not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode('utf-8') open_blob.write(data) return blob def save_map_screenshot(workout, request): if workout.has_gpx: map_url = request.resource_url(workout, 'map') browser = Browser('chrome', headless=True) browser.driver.set_window_size(1300, 436) browser.visit(map_url) # we need to wait a moment before taking the screenshot, to ensure # all tiles are loaded in the map. time.sleep(5) # splinter saves the screenshot with a random name (even if we do # provide a name) so we get the path to that file and later on we # move it to the proper place splinter_screenshot_path = browser.screenshot() current_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) screenshots_path = os.path.join( current_path, 'static/maps', str(workout.owner.uid)) if not os.path.exists(screenshots_path): os.makedirs(screenshots_path) screenshot_path = os.path.join( screenshots_path, str(workout.workout_id)) screenshot_path += '.png' shutil.move(splinter_screenshot_path, screenshot_path) os.chmod(screenshot_path, 0o644) return True return False def timedelta_to_hms(value): """ Return hours, minutes, seconds from a timedelta object """ hours, remainder = divmod(int(value.total_seconds()), 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) return hours, minutes, seconds def get_week_days(day, start_day=1): """ Return a list of datetime objects for the days of the week "day" is in. day is a datetime object (like in for "today") start_day can be used to set if week starts on monday (1) or sunday (0) """ first_day = day - timedelta(days=day.isoweekday() - start_day) week_days = [first_day + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(7)] return week_days def get_month_week_number(day): """ Given a datetime object (day), return the number of week the day is in the current month (week 1, 2, 3, etc) """ weeks = calendar.monthcalendar(day.year, day.month) for week in weeks: if in week: return weeks.index(week) return None def get_month_names(): """ Return a list with the names of the months, marked for translation. This should be done automatically by the calendar module: >>> import calendar >>> calendar.month_name[1] 'January' >>> But even trying setting the proper locale (using locale.setlocale()), in some operating systems the names are not translated (OpenBSD). So, for now, we use this dirty trick """ return [ '', _('January'), _('February'), _('March'), _('April'), _('May'), _('June'), _('July'), _('August'), _('September'), _('October'), _('November'), _('December') ] def get_week_day_names(): """ Return a list with the names of the week days, marked for translation. As with get_month_names(), this is a dirty workaround for some locale problem in some operating systems """ return [ _('Monday'), _('Tuesday'), _('Wednesday'), _('Thursday'), _('Friday'), _('Saturday'), _('Sunday'), ] def part_of_day(dt): """ Given a datetime object (dt), return which part of the day was it (morning, afternoon, evening, night), translated in the proper """ parts = { _('Morning'): (5, 11), _('Afternoon'): (12, 17), _('Evening'): (18, 22), _('Night'): (23, 4) } for key, value in parts.items(): if value[0] <= dt.hour <= value[1]: return key def get_available_locale_names(): """ Return a list of tuples with info about available locale/language names. The locale codes and names in this list match the available translations under ow/locale for the UI elements """ return [ ('en', _('English')), ('es', _('Spanish')) ] def get_gender_names(): return [ ('male', _('Male')), ('female', _('Female')), ('robot', _('Robot')) ]