from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound, HTTPNotFound from pyramid.view import view_config from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid_simpleform import Form from pyramid_simpleform.renderers import FormRenderer from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory from ..models.user import User from ..models.bulk import BulkFile from ..schemas.bulk import ( BulkFileSchema, ) _ = TranslationStringFactory('OpenWorkouts') @view_config( context=User, permission='edit', name='add-bulk-file', renderer='ow:templates/') def add_bulk_file(context, request): """ Add a compressed file that should contain tracking files, so we can do a "bulk" upload of tracking files and workouts """ # if not given a file there is an empty byte in POST, which breaks # our blob storage validator. # dirty fix until formencode fixes its api.is_empty method if isinstance(request.POST.get('tracking_file', None), bytes): request.POST['tracking_file'] = '' form = Form(request, schema=BulkFileSchema()) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # get the extension of the compressed file. We use this later to # know how to decompress it. file_name = file_ext = request.POST['compressed_file'].filename file_ext = file_name.split('.')[-1] # Create a BulkFile instance based on the input from the form bulk_file = form.bind(BulkFile(uid=str(context.uid))) # Set the type of compressed file bulk_file.file_name = file_name bulk_file.file_type = file_ext # save the bulk file request.root['_bulk_files'].add_bulk_file(bulk_file) # Send the user to his/her bulk files page return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context, 'bulk-files')) return { 'form': FormRenderer(form), } @view_config( context=User, permission='edit', name='bulk-files', renderer='ow:templates/') def bulk_files(context, request): """ Render a page where users can see their bulk uploads (finished, pending, status, etc) """ return { 'bulk_files': request.root['_bulk_files'].get_by_uid(context.uid) }