import logging from pyramid.view import ( view_config, notfound_view_config, forbidden_view_config ) from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @notfound_view_config(renderer='ow:templates/') def not_found(request): """ This is the view that handles 404 (not found) http responses """ request.response.status_int = 404 return { 'url': request.resource_url(request.root) } @forbidden_view_config(renderer='ow:templates/') def forbidden(request): """ This is the actual view called for 403 (forbidden) http requests If the user is already logged in, show the 403 page, if not, send her to the login page """ if request.authenticated_userid: request.response.status_int = 403 return { 'url': request.resource_url(request.root) } login_url = request.resource_url( request.root, 'login', query=dict(return_to=request.url)) return HTTPFound(location=login_url) @view_config( context=Exception, renderer='ow:templates/', permission='__no_permission_required__') def exceptions(context, request): """ This is the view that handles 500 (Internal Server Error) http responses The exceptions are logged to the log file before showing the error page """ log.error("The error was: %s" % context, exc_info=(context)) request.response.status_int = 500 return { 'url': request.resource_url(request.root) }