import json from calendar import month_name from datetime import datetime, timezone from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound from pyramid.view import view_config from import remember, forget from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory from pyramid_simpleform import Form, State from pytz import common_timezones from ..models.user import User from ..schemas.user import ( UserProfileSchema, ChangePasswordSchema, SignUpSchema, ) from ..models.root import OpenWorkouts from ..views.renderers import OWFormRenderer from ..utilities import timedelta_to_hms _ = TranslationStringFactory('OpenWorkouts') @view_config(context=OpenWorkouts) def dashboard_redirect(context, request): """ Send the user to his dashboard when accesing the root object, send to the login page if the user is not logged in. """ if request.authenticated_userid: user = request.root.get_user_by_uid(request.authenticated_userid) if user: return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(user)) else: # an authenticated user session, for an user that does not exist # anymore, logout! return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context, 'logout')) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context, 'login')) @view_config( context=OpenWorkouts, name='login', renderer='ow:templates/') def login(context, request): message = '' email = '' password = '' return_to = request.params.get('return_to') redirect_url = return_to or request.resource_url(request.root) if 'submit' in request.POST: email = request.POST.get('email', None) user = context.get_user_by_email(email) if user: password = request.POST.get('password', None) if password is not None and user.check_password(password): headers = remember(request, str(user.uid)) redirect_url = return_to or request.resource_url(user) return HTTPFound(location=redirect_url, headers=headers) else: message = _('Wrong password') else: message = _('Wrong email address') return { 'message': message, 'email': email, 'password': password, 'redirect_url': redirect_url } @view_config(context=OpenWorkouts, name='logout') def logout(context, request): headers = forget(request) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context), headers=headers) @view_config( context=OpenWorkouts, name='signup', renderer='ow:templates/') def signup(context, request): state = State(emails=context.lowercase_emails, names=context.lowercase_nicknames) form = Form(request, schema=SignUpSchema(), state=state) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): user = form.bind(User(), exclude=['password_confirm']) context.add_user(user) # Send to login return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context)) return { 'form': OWFormRenderer(form) } @view_config( context=OpenWorkouts, name='forgot-password', renderer='ow:templates/') def recover_password(context, request): # pragma: no cover # WIP Form(request) @view_config( context=User, permission='view', renderer='ow:templates/') def dashboard(context, request): """ Render a dashboard for the current user """ # Look at the year we are viewing, if none is passed in the request, # pick up the latest/newer available with activity viewing_year = request.GET.get('year', None) if viewing_year is None: available_years = context.activity_years if available_years: viewing_year = available_years[0] else: # ensure this is an integer viewing_year = int(viewing_year) # Same for the month, if there is a year set viewing_month = None if viewing_year: viewing_month = request.GET.get('month', None) if viewing_month is None: available_months = context.activity_months(viewing_year) if available_months: # we pick up the latest month available for the year, # which means the current month in the current year viewing_month = available_months[-1] else: # ensure this is an integer viewing_month = int(viewing_month) # pick up the workouts to be shown in the dashboard workouts = context.workouts(viewing_year, viewing_month) return { 'current_year':, 'current_day_name':'%a'), 'month_name': month_name, 'viewing_year': viewing_year, 'viewing_month': viewing_month, 'workouts': workouts } @view_config( context=User, permission='view', name='profile', renderer='ow:templates/') def profile(context, request): """ "public" profile view, showing some workouts from this user, her basic info, stats, etc """ now = return { 'current_month': now.strftime('%Y-%m') } @view_config( context=User, name='picture', permission='view') def profile_picture(context, request): return Response( content_type='image', @view_config( context=User, permission='edit', name='edit', renderer='ow:templates/') def edit_profile(context, request): # if not given a file there is an empty byte in POST, which breaks # our blob storage validator. # dirty fix until formencode fixes its api.is_empty method if isinstance(request.POST.get('picture', None), bytes): request.POST['picture'] = '' nicknames = request.root.lowercase_nicknames if context.nickname: # remove the current user nickname from the list, preventing form # validation error nicknames.remove(context.nickname.lower()) state = State(emails=request.root.lowercase_emails, names=nicknames) form = Form(request, schema=UserProfileSchema(), state=state, obj=context) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # No picture? do not override it if not['picture']: del['picture'] form.bind(context) # reindex request.root.reindex(context) # Saved, send the user to the public view of her profile return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context, 'profile')) # prevent crashes on the form if 'picture' in del['picture'] return {'form': OWFormRenderer(form), 'timezones': common_timezones} @view_config( context=User, permission='edit', name='passwd', renderer='ow:templates/') def change_password(context, request): form = Form(request, schema=ChangePasswordSchema(), state=State(user=context)) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): context.password =['password'] return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context, 'profile')) return {'form': OWFormRenderer(form)} @view_config( context=User, permission='view', name='week') def week_stats(context, request): stats = context.week_stats json_stats = [] for day in stats: hms = timedelta_to_hms(stats[day]['time']) day_stats = { 'name': day.strftime('%a'), 'time': str(hms[0]).zfill(2), 'distance': int(round(stats[day]['distance'])), 'elevation': int(stats[day]['elevation']), 'workouts': stats[day]['workouts'] } json_stats.append(day_stats) return Response(content_type='application/json', charset='utf-8', body=json.dumps(json_stats)) @view_config( context=User, permission='view', name='yearly') def last_months_stats(context, request): """ Return a json-encoded stream with statistics for the last 12 months """ stats = context.yearly_stats # this sets which month is 2 times in the stats, once this year, once # the previous year. We will show it a bit different in the UI (showing # the year too to prevent confusion) repeated_month = json_stats = [] for month in stats: hms = timedelta_to_hms(stats[month]['time']) name = month_name[month[1]][:3] if month[1] == repeated_month: name += ' ' + str(month[0]) month_stats = { 'id': str(month[0]) + '-' + str(month[1]).zfill(2), 'name': name, 'time': str(hms[0]).zfill(2), 'distance': int(round(stats[month]['distance'])), 'elevation': int(stats[month]['elevation']), 'workouts': stats[month]['workouts'] } json_stats.append(month_stats) return Response(content_type='application/json', charset='utf-8', body=json.dumps(json_stats))