from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time, timezone import gpxpy from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound, HTTPNotFound from pyramid.view import view_config from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid_simpleform import Form from pyramid_simpleform.renderers import FormRenderer from ..schemas.workout import ( UploadedWorkoutSchema, ManualWorkoutSchema, UpdateWorkoutSchema ) from ..models.workout import Workout from ..models.user import User from ..utilities import slugify from ..catalog import get_catalog, reindex_object, remove_from_catalog @view_config( context=User, name='add-workout-manually', renderer='ow:templates/') def add_workout_manually(context, request): form = Form(request, schema=ManualWorkoutSchema(), defaults={'duration_hours': '0', 'duration_minutes': '0', 'duration_seconds': '0'}) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # exclude the three duration_* and start_* fields, so they won't be # "bind" to the object, we do calculate both the full duration in # seconds and the full datetime "start" and we save that excluded = ['duration_hours', 'duration_minutes', 'duration_seconds', 'start_date', 'start_time'] workout = form.bind(Workout(), exclude=excluded) duration = timedelta(['duration_hours'],['duration_minutes'],['duration_seconds']) workout.duration = duration # create a time object first using the given hours and minutes start_time = time(['start_time'][0],['start_time'][1]) # combine the given start date with the built time object start = datetime.combine(['start_date'], start_time, tzinfo=timezone.utc) workout.start = start context.add_workout(workout) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(workout)) return { 'form': FormRenderer(form) } @view_config( context=User, name='add-workout', renderer='ow:templates/') def add_workout(context, request): """ Add a workout uploading a tracking file """ # if not given a file there is an empty byte in POST, which breaks # our blob storage validator. # dirty fix until formencode fixes its api.is_empty method if isinstance(request.POST.get('tracking_file', None), bytes): request.POST['tracking_file'] = '' form = Form(request, schema=UploadedWorkoutSchema()) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # Grab some information from the tracking file trackfile_ext = request.POST['tracking_file'].filename.split('.')[-1] # Create a Workout instance based on the input from the form workout = form.bind(Workout()) # Add the type of tracking file workout.tracking_filetype = trackfile_ext # Add basic info gathered from the file workout.load_from_file() # Add the workout context.add_workout(workout) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(workout)) return { 'form': FormRenderer(form) } @view_config( context=Workout, name='edit', renderer='ow:templates/') def edit_workout(context, request): """ Edit manually an existing workout. This won't let users attach/update tracking files, just manually edit of the values. """ form = Form(request, schema=ManualWorkoutSchema(), obj=context) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # exclude the three duration_* and start_* fields, so they won't be # "bind" to the object, we do calculate both the full duration in # seconds and the full datetime "start" and we save that excluded = ['duration_hours', 'duration_minutes', 'duration_seconds', 'start_date', 'start_time'] form.bind(context, exclude=excluded) duration = timedelta(['duration_hours'],['duration_minutes'],['duration_seconds']) context.duration = duration # create a time object first using the given hours and minutes start_time = time(['start_time'][0],['start_time'][1]) # combine the given start date with the built time object start = datetime.combine(['start_date'], start_time, tzinfo=timezone.utc) context.start = start catalog = get_catalog(context) reindex_object(catalog, context) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context)) return { 'form': FormRenderer(form) } @view_config( context=Workout, name='update-from-file', renderer='ow:templates/') def update_workout_from_file(context, request): # if not given a file there is an empty byte in POST, which breaks # our blob storage validator. # dirty fix until formencode fixes its api.is_empty method if isinstance(request.POST.get('tracking_file', None), bytes): request.POST['tracking_file'] = '' form = Form(request, schema=UpdateWorkoutSchema()) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # Grab some information from the tracking file trackfile_ext = request.POST['tracking_file'].filename.split('.')[-1] # Update the type of tracking file context.tracking_filetype = trackfile_ext form.bind(context) # Override basic info gathered from the file context.load_from_file() catalog = get_catalog(context) reindex_object(catalog, context) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context)) return { 'form': FormRenderer(form) } @view_config( context=Workout, name='delete', renderer='ow:templates/') def delete_workout(context, request): """ Delete a workout """ if 'submit' in request.POST: if request.POST.get('delete', None) == 'yes': catalog = get_catalog(context) remove_from_catalog(catalog, context) del request.root[request.authenticated_userid][context.workout_id] return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(request.root)) return {} @view_config( context=Workout, renderer='ow:templates/') def workout(context, request): """ Details page for a workout """ start_point = {} if context.has_gpx: with as gpx_file: gpx_contents = gpx_contents = gpx_contents.decode('utf-8') gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_contents) if gpx.tracks: track = gpx.tracks[0] center_point = track.get_center() start_point = {'latitude': center_point.latitude, 'longitude': center_point.longitude, 'elevation': center_point.elevation} return {'start_point': start_point} @view_config( context=Workout, name='gpx') def workout_gpx(context, request): """ Return a gpx file with the workout tracking information, if any. For now, simply return the gpx file if it has been attached to the workout. """ if not context.has_gpx: return HTTPNotFound() # Generate a proper file name to suggest on the download gpx_slug = slugify(context.title) + '.gpx' return Response( content_type='application/xml', content_disposition='attachment; filename="%s"' % gpx_slug, @view_config( context=Workout, name='map', renderer='ow:templates/') def workout_map(context, request): """ Render a page that has only a map with tracking info """ start_point = {} if context.has_gpx: with as gpx_file: gpx_contents = gpx_contents = gpx_contents.decode('utf-8') gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_contents) if gpx.tracks: track = gpx.tracks[0] center_point = track.get_center() start_point = {'latitude': center_point.latitude, 'longitude': center_point.longitude, 'elevation': center_point.elevation} return {'start_point': start_point}