from decimal import Decimal from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time, timezone import json import gpxpy from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound, HTTPNotFound from pyramid.view import view_config from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid_simpleform import Form from pyramid_simpleform.renderers import FormRenderer from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory from ..schemas.workout import ( UploadedWorkoutSchema, ManualWorkoutSchema, UpdateWorkoutSchema ) from ..models.workout import Workout from ..models.user import User from ..utilities import slugify, save_map_screenshot, part_of_day from ..catalog import get_catalog, reindex_object, remove_from_catalog _ = TranslationStringFactory('OpenWorkouts') @view_config( context=User, permission='edit', name='add-workout-manually', renderer='ow:templates/') def add_workout_manually(context, request): form = Form(request, schema=ManualWorkoutSchema(), defaults={'duration_hours': '0', 'duration_minutes': '0', 'duration_seconds': '0'}) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # exclude the three duration_* and start_* fields, so they won't be # "bind" to the object, we do calculate both the full duration in # seconds and the full datetime "start" and we save that # # exclude also the distance field, we have to convert to decimal # before adding it excluded = ['duration_hours', 'duration_minutes', 'duration_seconds', 'start_date', 'start_time', 'distance'] workout = form.bind(Workout(), exclude=excluded) duration = timedelta(['duration_hours'],['duration_minutes'],['duration_seconds']) workout.duration = duration # create a time object first using the given hours and minutes start_time = time(['start_time'][0],['start_time'][1]) # combine the given start date with the built time object start = datetime.combine(['start_date'], start_time, tzinfo=timezone.utc) workout.start = start if not workout.title: workout.title = part_of_day(start) if workout.title += ' ' + workout.title += ' ' + _('workout') workout.distance = Decimal(['distance']) context.add_workout(workout) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(workout)) return { 'form': FormRenderer(form) } @view_config( context=User, permission='edit', name='add-workout', renderer='ow:templates/') def add_workout(context, request): """ Add a workout uploading a tracking file """ # if not given a file there is an empty byte in POST, which breaks # our blob storage validator. # dirty fix until formencode fixes its api.is_empty method if isinstance(request.POST.get('tracking_file', None), bytes): request.POST['tracking_file'] = '' form = Form(request, schema=UploadedWorkoutSchema()) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # Grab some information from the tracking file trackfile_ext = request.POST['tracking_file'].filename.split('.')[-1] # Create a Workout instance based on the input from the form workout = form.bind(Workout()) # Add the type of tracking file workout.tracking_filetype = trackfile_ext # Add basic info gathered from the file workout.load_from_file() # Add the workout context.add_workout(workout) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(workout)) return { 'form': FormRenderer(form) } @view_config( context=Workout, permission='edit', name='edit', renderer='ow:templates/') def edit_workout(context, request): """ Edit manually an existing workout. This won't let users attach/update tracking files, just manually edit of the values. """ form = Form(request, schema=ManualWorkoutSchema(), obj=context) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # exclude the three duration_* and start_* fields, so they won't be # "bind" to the object, we do calculate both the full duration in # seconds and the full datetime "start" and we save that excluded = ['duration_hours', 'duration_minutes', 'duration_seconds', 'start_date', 'start_time'] form.bind(context, exclude=excluded) duration = timedelta(['duration_hours'],['duration_minutes'],['duration_seconds']) context.duration = duration # create a time object first using the given hours and minutes start_time = time(['start_time'][0],['start_time'][1]) # combine the given start date with the built time object start = datetime.combine(['start_date'], start_time, tzinfo=timezone.utc) context.start = start # ensure distance is a decimal context.distance = Decimal(context.distance) catalog = get_catalog(context) reindex_object(catalog, context) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context)) # round some values before rendering if['distance']:['distance'] = round(['distance'], 2) return { 'form': FormRenderer(form) } @view_config( context=Workout, permission='edit', name='update-from-file', renderer='ow:templates/') def update_workout_from_file(context, request): # if not given a file there is an empty byte in POST, which breaks # our blob storage validator. # dirty fix until formencode fixes its api.is_empty method if isinstance(request.POST.get('tracking_file', None), bytes): request.POST['tracking_file'] = '' form = Form(request, schema=UpdateWorkoutSchema()) if 'submit' in request.POST and form.validate(): # Grab some information from the tracking file trackfile_ext = request.POST['tracking_file'].filename.split('.')[-1] # Update the type of tracking file context.tracking_filetype = trackfile_ext form.bind(context) # Override basic info gathered from the file context.load_from_file() catalog = get_catalog(context) reindex_object(catalog, context) return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(context)) return { 'form': FormRenderer(form) } @view_config( context=Workout, permission='delete', name='delete', renderer='ow:templates/') def delete_workout(context, request): """ Delete a workout """ if 'submit' in request.POST: if request.POST.get('delete', None) == 'yes': catalog = get_catalog(context) remove_from_catalog(catalog, context) del request.root[request.authenticated_userid][context.workout_id] return HTTPFound(location=request.resource_url(request.root)) return {} @view_config( context=Workout, permission='view', renderer='ow:templates/') def workout(context, request): """ Details page for a workout """ start_point = {} if context.has_gpx: with as gpx_file: gpx_contents = gpx_contents = gpx_contents.decode('utf-8') gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_contents) if gpx.tracks: track = gpx.tracks[0] center_point = track.get_center() start_point = {'latitude': center_point.latitude, 'longitude': center_point.longitude, 'elevation': center_point.elevation} return {'start_point': start_point} @view_config( context=Workout, name='gpx') def workout_gpx(context, request): """ Return a gpx file with the workout tracking information, if any. For now, simply return the gpx file if it has been attached to the workout. This view requires no permission, as we access it from an non-authenticated request in a separate job, to generate the static map screenshot. """ if not context.has_gpx: return HTTPNotFound() # Generate a proper file name to suggest on the download gpx_slug = slugify(context.title) + '.gpx' return Response( content_type='application/xml', content_disposition='attachment; filename="%s"' % gpx_slug, @view_config( context=Workout, name='map', renderer='ow:templates/') def workout_map(context, request): """ Render a page that has only a map with tracking info. This view requires no permission, as we access it from an non-authenticated request in a separate job, to generate the static map screenshot. """ start_point = {} if context.has_gpx: with as gpx_file: gpx_contents = gpx_contents = gpx_contents.decode('utf-8') gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_contents) if gpx.tracks: track = gpx.tracks[0] center_point = track.get_center() start_point = {'latitude': center_point.latitude, 'longitude': center_point.longitude, 'elevation': center_point.elevation} return {'start_point': start_point} @view_config( context=Workout, permission='edit', name='map-shot') def workout_map_shot(context, request): """ Ask for the screenshot of a map, creating one if it does not exist. A json object is returned, containing the info for the needed screenshot """ if context.map_screenshot is None: save_map_screenshot(context, request) info = {'url': request.static_url(context.map_screenshot)} return Response(content_type='application/json', charset='utf-8', body=json.dumps(info))