# # ChangeLog for bin in OpenWorkouts-current # # Generated by Trac 1.0.17 # Apr 24, 2024, 9:53:50 PM Thu, 18 Jul 2019 11:08:35 GMT Borja Lopez [e57b2df] * bin/uwsgi_start (modified) Added "development" to the list of available modes for uwsgi_start ... Wed, 06 Mar 2019 11:44:16 GMT Borja Lopez [b979798] * bin/stop (modified) Fixed bin/stop so it stops uwsgi instead of pserve Tue, 05 Mar 2019 22:45:32 GMT Borja Lopez [778d53d] * bin/js_deps (modified) * ow/models/user.py (modified) * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/static/less/main.less (modified) * ow/static/less/pages/profile.less (modified) * ow/static/less/ui/arrows.less (added) * ow/templates/profile.pt (modified) * ow/tests/models/test_user.py (modified) * ow/tests/views/test_user.py (modified) * ow/views/user.py (modified) (#7) Show per-sport stats in the profile page: - Show a dropdown ... Sun, 03 Mar 2019 18:20:29 GMT Borja Lopez [8ee2af5] * .gitignore (modified) * bin/install (modified) * bin/start (modified) * bin/uwsgi_start (modified) * etc/development.wsgi (added) * etc/uwsgi_development.ini (added) * var/log/uwsgi/README (added) Added the scripts and config files to run uwsgi instead of pserve ... Tue, 26 Feb 2019 10:18:19 GMT Borja Lopez [a4e4799] * .gitignore (modified) * bin/new_translations (added) * bin/update_translations (added) * ow/locale/OpenWorkouts.pot (added) * ow/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/OpenWorkouts.mo (added) * ow/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/OpenWorkouts.po (added) * ow/templates/403.pt (modified) * ow/templates/404.pt (modified) * ow/templates/500.pt (modified) * ow/templates/add_manual_workout.pt (modified) * ow/templates/base.pt (modified) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) * ow/templates/update_workout_from_file.pt (modified) (#56) Added i18n helper scripts and spanish (es) translations. Done ... Tue, 26 Feb 2019 10:09:00 GMT Borja Lopez [d411dae] * bin/install (modified) * setup.py (modified) (#56) Added lingua and babel as dependencies (needed for i18n) Tue, 19 Feb 2019 09:21:35 GMT Borja Lopez [91517b1] * bin/install (modified) Added a couple more functions to the install script, that show ... Tue, 19 Feb 2019 09:07:32 GMT Borja Lopez [3e6467c] * bin/send_emails (added) Added a shell script helper that can be used to run the mail queue ... Mon, 18 Feb 2019 20:37:43 GMT Borja Lopez [2142a49] * bin/start (modified) * bin/stop (added) * development.ini (modified) Use ZEO in development mode too. (we will need it once we start ... Mon, 18 Feb 2019 16:06:49 GMT Borja Lopez [ec51ffa] * bin/install (modified) Fixed creationg of the mail queue maildir by the install script Mon, 18 Feb 2019 15:46:26 GMT Borja Lopez [1d8d5cd] * bin/install (modified) More improvements for the install script: - If an existing env is ... Mon, 18 Feb 2019 12:14:27 GMT Borja Lopez [7f335a4] * bin/install (modified) Improved the install script: - Added some messages so the user ... Mon, 18 Feb 2019 12:01:05 GMT Borja Lopez [4af38e8] * bin/install (modified) Fixed broken bin/install (wrong name when calling a method that ... Mon, 11 Feb 2019 20:47:37 GMT Borja Lopez [f713dbc] * bin/start (modified) The bin/start helper runs pip and js_deps to ensure all python and js ... Mon, 11 Feb 2019 17:55:55 GMT Borja Lopez [d6f8304] * bin/install (modified) * bin/screenshot_map (deleted) * ow/models/workout.py (modified) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) * ow/templates/profile.pt (modified) * ow/tests/models/test_workout.py (modified) * ow/tests/test_utilities.py (modified) * ow/utilities.py (modified) * setup.py (modified) (#52) - screenshots of the workouts maps were corrupted randomly. ... Mon, 11 Feb 2019 09:17:01 GMT Borja Lopez [5934220] * bin/uwsgi_start (added) * bin/uwsgi_stop (added) * etc/staging.wsgi (added) * etc/uwsgi_staging.ini (added) * staging.ini (added) * var/log/README (added) * var/run/README (added) (#47) - Added needed config files and helper scripts for the deploy ... Sun, 10 Feb 2019 09:32:31 GMT Borja Lopez [d98641b] * bin/install (modified) * bin/start (modified) * bin/zeo_backup (modified) * bin/zeo_pack (modified) * bin/zeo_start (modified) * bin/zeo_stop (modified) Fixed permissions on the helper scripts under bin/ Tue, 05 Feb 2019 16:16:49 GMT Borja Lopez [3169fe4] * bin/js_deps (modified) * bin/screenshot_map (modified) Set proper permissions on bin/js_deps and bin/screenshot_map Tue, 05 Feb 2019 16:15:13 GMT Borja Lopez [5f05e83] * bin/js_deps (modified) * ow/static/css/leaflet-elevation.css (added) * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/templates/workout.pt (modified) Replaced Leaflet.Elevation with a newer, improved version (fork of ... Tue, 29 Jan 2019 20:11:03 GMT borja [d4cabcc] * bin/install (modified) * setup.py (modified) Remove dependency_links from setup.py. There is no need to keep ... Fri, 25 Jan 2019 11:19:15 GMT borja [7783f97] * bin/install (modified) Modified the install script, added a function to ensure all shell ... Wed, 23 Jan 2019 23:01:12 GMT borja [6d1b54b] * bin/js_deps (modified) (#7) - Added d3.js as a js component dependency IMPORTANT: ... Mon, 21 Jan 2019 09:43:20 GMT borja [d1c4782] * .boring (modified) * bin/screenshot_map (added) * ow/models/workout.py (modified) * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/static/media/img/no_map.png (added) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) * ow/templates/workout-map.pt (added) * ow/templates/workout.pt (modified) * ow/utilities.py (modified) * ow/views/workout.py (modified) Show a capture of the workout map, as an image, in the dashboard: ... Fri, 11 Jan 2019 12:54:25 GMT borja [2d2898b] * bin/start (added) (#41) Added start script, which basically activates the env and runs ... Fri, 11 Jan 2019 12:52:27 GMT borja [d17dffe] * bin/install (added) (#41) Added install script. Now, after getting a fresh copy of the ... Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:01:26 GMT borja [8e5f92c] * bin/js_deps (modified) Added pickadate as an external js component. IMPORTANT: remember ... Mon, 17 Dec 2018 11:20:52 GMT borja [a0085a2] * bin/js_deps (modified) * ow/templates/workout.pt (modified) Added missing leaflet elevation third-party js library. We have ... Thu, 13 Dec 2018 21:12:36 GMT borja [5ec3a0b] * CHANGES.txt (added) * MANIFEST.in (added) * README.txt (added) * bin/js_deps (added) * bin/zeo_backup (added) * bin/zeo_pack (added) * bin/zeo_start (added) * bin/zeo_stop (added) * development.ini (added) * etc/zeo.conf (added) * ow/__init__.py (added) * ow/catalog.py (added) * ow/locale/README (added) * ow/models/__init__.py (added) * ow/models/root.py (added) * ow/models/user.py (added) * ow/models/workout.py (added) * ow/schemas/__init__.py (added) * ow/schemas/blob.py (added) * ow/schemas/user.py (added) * ow/schemas/workout.py (added) * ow/security.py (added) * ow/static/components/README (added) * ow/static/css/main.min.css (added) * ow/static/css/openworkouts.css (added) * ow/static/js/ow.js (added) * ow/static/media/img/back-01.jpg (added) * ow/static/media/img/signup-01.jpg (added) * ow/static/media/img/signup-02.jpg (added) * ow/static/pyramid-16x16.png (added) * ow/static/pyramid.png (added) * ow/static/theme.css (added) * ow/templates/403.pt (added) * ow/templates/404.pt (added) * ow/templates/500.pt (added) * ow/templates/add_manual_workout.pt (added) * ow/templates/add_user.pt (added) * ow/templates/add_workout.pt (added) * ow/templates/base.pt (added) * ow/templates/base_anonymous.pt (added) * ow/templates/change_password.pt (added) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (added) * ow/templates/delete_workout.pt (added) * ow/templates/edit_manual_workout.pt (added) * ow/templates/edit_profile.pt (added) * ow/templates/login.pt (added) * ow/templates/mytemplate.pt (added) * ow/templates/profile.pt (added) * ow/templates/signup.pt (added) * ow/templates/update_workout_from_file.pt (added) * ow/templates/user_list.pt (added) * ow/templates/workout.pt (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/20131013-without-elevation.gpx (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/20131013.gpx (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/20160129-with-extensions.gpx (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/empty.gpx (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.gif (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.jpeg (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.jpg (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.png (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.tiff (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/invalid.gpx (added) * ow/tests/models/__init__.py (added) * ow/tests/models/test_appmaker.py (added) * ow/tests/models/test_root.py (added) * ow/tests/models/test_user.py (added) * ow/tests/models/test_workout.py (added) * ow/tests/schemas/test_user.py (added) * ow/tests/test_catalog.py (added) * ow/tests/test_security.py (added) * ow/tests/test_utilities.py (added) * ow/tests/views/__init__.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_error.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_renderers.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_root.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_user.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_workout.py (added) * ow/utilities.py (added) * ow/views/__init__.py (added) * ow/views/error.py (added) * ow/views/renderers.py (added) * ow/views/root.py (added) * ow/views/user.py (added) * ow/views/workout.py (added) * production.ini (added) * pytest.ini (added) * setup.py (added) * var/db/README (added) * var/zeo/README (added) Imported sources from the old python2-only repository: - ...