# # ChangeLog for ow/static in OpenWorkouts-current # # Generated by Trac 1.0.17 # May 18, 2024, 8:14:05 AM Tue, 29 Jan 2019 12:59:43 GMT Segundo Fdez [594fbe8] * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/less/main.less (modified) * ow/static/less/modules/workout.less (modified) * ow/static/less/pages/profile.less (added) * ow/templates/profile.pt (modified) Added profile basic ui Tue, 29 Jan 2019 11:58:08 GMT Segundo Fdez [22eb5de] * bin/install (modified) * ow/models/user.py (modified) * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) * ow/templates/profile.pt (modified) * ow/tests/views/test_user.py (modified) * ow/views/user.py (modified) Merge branch 'master' into feature/ui # Conflicts: # ... Tue, 29 Jan 2019 11:54:29 GMT Segundo Fdez [1fe89ea] * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/static/less/main.less (modified) * ow/static/less/modules/workout.less (modified) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) update dashboard layout ui Tue, 29 Jan 2019 11:35:08 GMT borja [bd8eeb4] * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/templates/profile.pt (modified) (#7) Yearly (last 12 months) per month chart in the user profile ... Tue, 29 Jan 2019 11:02:12 GMT borja [4bab6c1] * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) Use the chart_selector variable when looking for the element where ... Fri, 25 Jan 2019 12:49:34 GMT Segundo Fdez [d0fc76b] * bin/js_deps (modified) * ow/models/user.py (modified) * ow/models/workout.py (modified) * ow/static/______css/__openworkouts.css (modified) * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/template_helpers.py (added) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) * ow/tests/models/test_user.py (modified) * ow/tests/test_utilities.py (modified) * ow/tests/views/test_user.py (modified) * ow/utilities.py (modified) * ow/views/user.py (modified) * ow/views/workout.py (modified) Merge branch 'master' into feature/ui Thu, 24 Jan 2019 23:42:33 GMT borja [5bdfbfb] * ow/static/css/openworkouts.css (modified) * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) * ow/tests/views/test_user.py (modified) * ow/views/user.py (modified) * ow/views/workout.py (modified) (#7) Show year/month/weekly stats in the dashboard for the user, ... Wed, 23 Jan 2019 17:41:42 GMT Segundo Fdez [4dcf28d] * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/less/modules/workout.less (modified) update img map on workout Wed, 23 Jan 2019 13:07:26 GMT Segundo Fdez [2d2eb0d] * .boring (modified) * bin/screenshot_map (added) * ow/load_workouts.py (added) * ow/models/workout.py (modified) * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/static/media/img/no_map.png (added) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) * ow/templates/workout-map.pt (added) * ow/templates/workout.pt (modified) * ow/tests/helpers.py (added) * ow/tests/models/test_workout.py (modified) * ow/tests/test_utilities.py (modified) * ow/tests/views/test_workout.py (modified) * ow/utilities.py (modified) * ow/views/workout.py (modified) Merge branch 'master' into feature/ui # Conflicts: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 09:43:20 GMT borja [d1c4782] * .boring (modified) * bin/screenshot_map (added) * ow/models/workout.py (modified) * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/static/media/img/no_map.png (added) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) * ow/templates/workout-map.pt (added) * ow/templates/workout.pt (modified) * ow/utilities.py (modified) * ow/views/workout.py (modified) Show a capture of the workout map, as an image, in the dashboard: ... Sat, 19 Jan 2019 16:47:10 GMT borja [d33326a] * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/templates/workout.pt (modified) Accept two new parameters to the js leaflet map builder: - ... Fri, 18 Jan 2019 16:46:48 GMT Segundo Fdez [5cbc4a0] * ow/static/______css/__forms.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/__main.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/__main.min.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/__openworkouts.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/common.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/main.css (added) * ow/static/______css/modules/header.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/pages/login.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/ui/buttons.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/ui/form.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/variables.css (moved) * ow/static/______css/vendors/normalize.css (moved) * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/less/common.less (added) * ow/static/less/main.less (added) * ow/static/less/mixins/mixins.less (added) * ow/static/less/modules/header.less (added) * ow/static/less/modules/workout.less (added) * ow/static/less/pages/login.less (added) * ow/static/less/ui/buttons.less (added) * ow/static/less/ui/form.less (added) * ow/static/less/variables.less (added) * ow/static/less/vendors/normalize.less (added) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) Update dashboard and login with less. Wed, 16 Jan 2019 19:14:17 GMT Segundo Fdez [55e98e4] * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/css/modules/header.css (added) * ow/static/css/pages/login.css (modified) * ow/static/css/ui/buttons.css (added) * ow/static/css/ui/form.css (added) * ow/static/css/variables.css (modified) * ow/templates/login.pt (modified) * ow/templates/signup.pt (modified) Added login and sign up pages design. Organize styles and added ... Wed, 16 Jan 2019 12:35:50 GMT Segundo Fdez [816820d] * ow/static/css/__forms.css (moved) * ow/static/css/__main.css (added) * ow/static/css/__main.min.css (moved) * ow/static/css/__openworkouts.css (moved) * ow/static/css/common.css (added) * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/css/pages/login.css (added) * ow/static/css/variables.css (added) * ow/static/css/vendors/normalize.css (added) * ow/static/media/img/back-01.jpg (modified) * ow/static/media/img/bike.svg (added) * ow/templates/base_anonymous.pt (modified) Start to organize css structure. Added fake img for login Tue, 15 Jan 2019 22:01:05 GMT borja [ad5759b] * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) Fixed indentation of main.css Tue, 15 Jan 2019 21:17:49 GMT borja [8af3272] * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/templates/workout.pt (modified) A bit of clean up in the workout details page, removed temporary code ... Tue, 15 Jan 2019 21:13:57 GMT borja [2d91474] * ow/models/user.py (modified) * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (modified) * ow/tests/models/test_user.py (modified) * ow/tests/views/test_user.py (modified) * ow/views/user.py (modified) (#23) - Show workouts in the dashboard with date filtering Mon, 14 Jan 2019 10:08:04 GMT borja [9bee49d] * ow/static/css/main.css (modified) * ow/static/css/openworkouts.css (modified) Bugfix: ensure the "add workout" dropdown appears in the workout ... Tue, 18 Dec 2018 09:22:36 GMT borja [4554843] * ow/static/js/ow.js (modified) * ow/templates/workout.pt (modified) Put back leaflet-elevation into the workout details template. The ... Mon, 17 Dec 2018 20:37:07 GMT borja [cc4ff05] * ow/static/css/forms.css (modified) Added more basic form styling to forms.css: - Added styles for a ... Mon, 17 Dec 2018 18:14:05 GMT borja [c90d245] * ow/static/css/forms.css (modified) * ow/templates/edit_profile.pt (modified) Set a common css class name that can be used in all forms to set ... Mon, 17 Dec 2018 12:07:07 GMT borja [affc3f7] * ow/static/css/forms.css (added) * ow/static/css/main.css (added) * ow/templates/base.pt (modified) Added unminified main.css Added forms.css for html form specific styles Thu, 13 Dec 2018 21:12:36 GMT borja [5ec3a0b] * CHANGES.txt (added) * MANIFEST.in (added) * README.txt (added) * bin/js_deps (added) * bin/zeo_backup (added) * bin/zeo_pack (added) * bin/zeo_start (added) * bin/zeo_stop (added) * development.ini (added) * etc/zeo.conf (added) * ow/__init__.py (added) * ow/catalog.py (added) * ow/locale/README (added) * ow/models/__init__.py (added) * ow/models/root.py (added) * ow/models/user.py (added) * ow/models/workout.py (added) * ow/schemas/__init__.py (added) * ow/schemas/blob.py (added) * ow/schemas/user.py (added) * ow/schemas/workout.py (added) * ow/security.py (added) * ow/static/components/README (added) * ow/static/css/main.min.css (added) * ow/static/css/openworkouts.css (added) * ow/static/js/ow.js (added) * ow/static/media/img/back-01.jpg (added) * ow/static/media/img/signup-01.jpg (added) * ow/static/media/img/signup-02.jpg (added) * ow/static/pyramid-16x16.png (added) * ow/static/pyramid.png (added) * ow/static/theme.css (added) * ow/templates/403.pt (added) * ow/templates/404.pt (added) * ow/templates/500.pt (added) * ow/templates/add_manual_workout.pt (added) * ow/templates/add_user.pt (added) * ow/templates/add_workout.pt (added) * ow/templates/base.pt (added) * ow/templates/base_anonymous.pt (added) * ow/templates/change_password.pt (added) * ow/templates/dashboard.pt (added) * ow/templates/delete_workout.pt (added) * ow/templates/edit_manual_workout.pt (added) * ow/templates/edit_profile.pt (added) * ow/templates/login.pt (added) * ow/templates/mytemplate.pt (added) * ow/templates/profile.pt (added) * ow/templates/signup.pt (added) * ow/templates/update_workout_from_file.pt (added) * ow/templates/user_list.pt (added) * ow/templates/workout.pt (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/20131013-without-elevation.gpx (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/20131013.gpx (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/20160129-with-extensions.gpx (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/empty.gpx (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.gif (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.jpeg (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.jpg (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.png (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/image.tiff (added) * ow/tests/fixtures/invalid.gpx (added) * ow/tests/models/__init__.py (added) * ow/tests/models/test_appmaker.py (added) * ow/tests/models/test_root.py (added) * ow/tests/models/test_user.py (added) * ow/tests/models/test_workout.py (added) * ow/tests/schemas/test_user.py (added) * ow/tests/test_catalog.py (added) * ow/tests/test_security.py (added) * ow/tests/test_utilities.py (added) * ow/tests/views/__init__.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_error.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_renderers.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_root.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_user.py (added) * ow/tests/views/test_workout.py (added) * ow/utilities.py (added) * ow/views/__init__.py (added) * ow/views/error.py (added) * ow/views/renderers.py (added) * ow/views/root.py (added) * ow/views/user.py (added) * ow/views/workout.py (added) * production.ini (added) * pytest.ini (added) * setup.py (added) * var/db/README (added) * var/zeo/README (added) Imported sources from the old python2-only repository: - ...