Custom Query (49 matches)


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Results (25 - 27 of 49)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#40 fixed git repos for OpenWorkouts development borja borja

Create a clone of the darcs repos, but in git, so more developers could be involved in the development.


  1. create git repos from darcs repos (more info here:
  1. integrate git repos into trac
  1. create scripts to make maintainers life easier to merge changes from darcs to git and vice-versa
  1. maybe add hooks to automatically merge changes darcs<->git on push?
#41 fixed Write helper scripts... borja borja

... so new developers can set up an environment quickly.

install script:

Requirements/workflow idea:

  1. developer grabs copy of the repo (either darcs or git)
  1. developer gives exec permission to the bin/install script
  1. developer exec ./bin/install within the repo:

3.1. ./bin/install PATH <- this installs everything in the given path

3.2. ./bin/install <- this installs everything in the user home, ~/openworkouts

The steps the installer has to go through:

  1. check python3 is installed
  1. create virtual env
  1. activate virtual env
  1. pip install --upgrade setuptools pip
  1. pip install --upgrade --process-dependency-links -e .[testing]
  1. chmod +x bin/js_deps bin/start bin/stop
  1. ./bin/js_deps
  1. show a message telling the user how to start/stop/restart the services


Basically, start will run pserve --reload development.ini, stop will kill that process, restart calls stop, then start.

#45 fixed Add migrations for the database borja borja

Add code to support migrations on the ZODB

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