Custom Query (19 matches)


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Status: closed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2 Users storage task major users fixed
#12 ImportError: No module named zodbpickle.pickle task major infraestructure worksforme
#22 less to css generation task major UI wontfix
#27 Limit the description shown in the workouts in the dashboard task major UI fixed
#28 For Workouts with gpx data, show a static capture of the map with the ride in the dashboard task major maps fixed
#4 Workouts storage borja task major workouts fixed
#5 Upload workout tracking files borja task major tracking fixed
#14 Timezone support borja task major workouts fixed
#17 When adding a workout (manually) show a field to choose the type of workout borja task major workouts fixed
#23 Show workouts in the dashboard with date filtering borja task major workouts fixed
#31 bio pic for users borja task major users fixed
#32 edit users profile borja task major users fixed
#33 "Public" profile page for users borja task major users fixed
#38 Clean up current code base, restart development borja task blocker infraestructure fixed
#41 Write helper scripts... borja task major infraestructure fixed
#47 Setup staging env borja task major infraestructure fixed
#52 map screenshot not being generated properly (randomly) borja bug major maps fixed
#54 use https for external resources borja task major UI fixed
#1 Set up base pyramid install, add to darcs betabug task major component1 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.