Custom Query (49 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2 Users storage task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 users
#12 ImportError: No module named zodbpickle.pickle task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 infraestructure
#22 less to css generation task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 UI
#27 Limit the description shown in the workouts in the dashboard task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 UI
#28 For Workouts with gpx data, show a static capture of the map with the ride in the dashboard task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 maps
#29 Users signup task critical OpenWorkouts 0.2 users
#56 i18n scripts, helpers and docs task major OpenWorkouts 0.2 internals
#50 Details and bugs in mobile devices segun defect major OpenWorkouts 0.2 UI
#55 Replace the "no map" temporary image with something nicer segun task major OpenWorkouts 0.2 UI
#57 Problem in profile ui segun defect major OpenWorkouts 0.2 UI
#4 Workouts storage borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 workouts
#5 Upload workout tracking files borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 tracking
#7 Show statistics about the workouts borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.3 workouts
#13 .fit files parsing borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.2 workouts
#14 Timezone support borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 workouts
#17 When adding a workout (manually) show a field to choose the type of workout borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 workouts
#23 Show workouts in the dashboard with date filtering borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 workouts
#26 GPX files generation (from .fit/.tcx) borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.2 workouts
#31 bio pic for users borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 users
#32 edit users profile borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 users
#33 "Public" profile page for users borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 users
#37 Allow login using email address instead of username borja task major Proposals and Ideas users
#38 Clean up current code base, restart development borja task blocker OpenWorkouts 0.1 infraestructure
#39 Don't allow duplicated workouts borja bug major OpenWorkouts 0.3 workouts
#40 git repos for OpenWorkouts development borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.2 infraestructure
#41 Write helper scripts... borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 infraestructure
#45 Add migrations for the database borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.2 internals
#46 Move session_factory and authn_policy salt hashes to the config/ini files borja task critical OpenWorkouts 0.2 internals
#47 Setup staging env borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 infraestructure
#49 Solve the different DVCS mess borja task critical OpenWorkouts 0.2 infraestructure
#51 Profile images are too big borja defect major OpenWorkouts 0.2 users
#52 map screenshot not being generated properly (randomly) borja bug major OpenWorkouts 0.1 maps
#54 use https for external resources borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 UI
#58 Adding workout manually without title borja bug critical OpenWorkouts 0.2 workouts
#59 Errors in the sign up form are not readable borja defect major Bug reports UI
#60 signup form does not keep values on error borja defect major Bug reports users
#61 Better templates for "verify your account" emails borja enhancement major OpenWorkouts 0.2 users
#66 Layout for the "wrong verification code" template borja enhancement major OpenWorkouts 0.2 UI
#67 Re-send verification code borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.2 users
#68 Problem picking up weeks to highlight in the yearly stats chart in the profile borja bug major Bug reports workouts
#69 Translations for dynamic elements borja defect major OpenWorkouts 0.2 UI
#71 Keep the "distance/time/elevation" filter when clicking on bars in the profile yearly stats chart borja defect major OpenWorkouts 0.3 workouts
#72 Create docs infraestructure borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.3 docs
#73 Adding manually a workout with decimals on distance breaks the dashboard/profile pages borja bug critical Bug reports workouts
#77 Bulk workouts upload borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.3 workouts
#79 Add elevation data to the workout details page borja defect major OpenWorkouts 0.3 workouts
#83 Error on elevation field when loading data from gpx borja defect major Bug reports workouts
#84 Show a "loading" spinner or a progress bar while uploading fit/gpx files borja task major OpenWorkouts 0.3 UI
#1 Set up base pyramid install, add to darcs betabug task major OpenWorkouts 0.1 component1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.